The University of Arizona

Math Academics

Courses and InstructorsGeneral InformationFinal Exams - Locations and Schedules

1.2. Final Exams - Locations and Schedules


The Math Department administers Common Final Exams for the following classes:  Math 107, 112, 116, 120R, 122A, 122B, 125, 129, 223

Room assignments for Common Exams can be found at

Room assignments are not posted until a week or two prior to the date of the exam.


Final Exam dates and times can be found by going to the Registrar's Final Exams webpage and selecting the appropriate semester.

  • For Common finals, click on the Common Final Exam Schedule.
  • For all other classes, find your class days (eg MWF or TR) and time. This will show the Final Exam schedule for your class. These final exams will then be given in the normal room that your class has met in all semester.



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