The University of Arizona

Math Academics

Courses and InstructorsGeneral InformationGRO (Grade Replacement Opportunity)

1.7. GRO (Grade Replacement Opportunity)


Grade Replacement Opportunity (GRO) offers students the ability to replace grades of C, D, and E by repeating the course.  Only the grade from the repeat attempt will be used to calculate the grade point average.

GRO requests can be submitted through UAccess Student during filing periods.  Please see GRO Filing Deadlines and all other information on the Registrar's GRO webpage.


Steps for filing GRO requests:

  1. Register for the repeated course
  2. During the GRO filing period (usually on the first day of classes), go to UAccess Student, click on Enrollment, click on Grade Replacement Opportunity
  3. Read and accept the GRO Policy terms
  4. Complete the GRO request

The link above will also guide you through the process with UAccess screencaptures.


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