The University of Arizona

Math Academics

Courses and InstructorsRegistration InformationI am taking/have taken Math 113/116, but now I need Math 122A/B for my new major. How can I get into it?

2.17. I am taking/have taken Math 113/116, but now I need Math 122A/B for my new major. How can I get into it?

Students may either re-take the PPL Placement Assessment to try test directly into Math 122A, or they may take Math 120R (Pre-Calculus). The prerequisite for Calculus I (Math 122A/B) is a grade of C or better in Math 120R (Pre-Calculus).


Math 113/116 is Brief Calculus (essentially Calculus-without-the-Trig).  By taking Math 113/116, a student has demonstrated mastery of College Algebra. However, these students are missing the trigonometry component. Even if a student does test directly into Math 122A/B, they may benefit from taking Math 120R first, to make sure they have a solid review of trig before going into Math 122A/B.


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