The University of Arizona

Undergraduate Math Center

Math/SDS Majors and MinorsCurriculum ChangesSDS Minor Requirement updates for 2024 catalog

6.2. SDS Minor Requirement updates for 2024 catalog

The undergraduate curriculum committee for the Department of Mathematics decided to remove the MATH 223 prerequisite for DATA/MATH 363 effective starting in Fall 2024. The vector calculus content that is needed in DATA/MATH 363 is not extensive, and 363 will be adjusted in order to teach that content within the course.

See also the Related Page (linked at the bottom of this page) with details on the computing prerequisites for 363.

Modifications to SDS Minor Requirements

In light of the prerequisite changes to DATA/MATH 363 and the proposed introduction of two new courses, DATA 201 - Foundations of Data Science and DATA 474 - Intro to Statistical Machine Learning, the following modifications to the SDS minor requirements have been made and are effective Fall 2024:

Note: MATH 464 still requires completion of MATH 223; students wishing to take MATH 464 as their SDS minor elective course will need to fit MATH 223 into their course plan.

View the current minor requirements on our website (see the Minor Catalogs section for older catalogs): 

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