Home → Math 100 → Resources → I placed into my next math class. How/when can I register?
You can enroll in the math classes for which you placed once your placement score has posted to UAccess.
In Uaccess Student, go to Other Academic drop down menu. Choose Transfer Credit: Report.
On the Transfer Credit Report, scroll down the page to Test Credits and look for the Math 100 Final for Placement.
Enroll yourself in the math course you placed into via UAccess. If there are no seats available for the math class you want to enroll in, please keep checking back on UAccess each day. Seats may open up as students drop and add courses frequently, and as UA Math opens seats.
Do NOT wait until your Math 100 letter grade has posted. It is your placement score which grants you access to your next class.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Math Department at placement@math.arizona.edu.