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Math 100
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Course & Instructional Support
Math 100
Math 100
1. Resources
1.1. Where is Room 108?
1.2. What are Room 108's hours?
1.3. How can I sign up for this course?
1.4. Can I take an Intermediate Algebra class at a community college instead?
1.5. How will Math 100 affect my GPA?
1.6. I didn't place into my next math class. What are my options?
1.7. I placed into my next math class. How/when can I register?
2. General
2.1. What is the purpose of Math 100?
2.2. Why was the ALEKS program selected?
2.3. How much time should students spend in ALEKS?
2.4. Why isn't there a hardcopy textbook for Math 100?
2.5. Math 100 Course Description
Math 100: Printer Friendly Version
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