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Math IT Support
Math IT Support
1. FAQ
1.1. Where are there computers that I can use?
1.2. Where can I learn about technology service outages?
1.3. How do I print?
1.4. How do I change my Math password?
1.5. Requesting a Departmental Email Address/Shared Inbox
1.6. Access Departmental Account/Shared Mailbox
1.7. Access Migrated Math Files in OneDrive
1.8. Access Migrated Math Files in UA Google
2. Math Accounts
2.1. Turn on 2-Step Verification for your Math account
2.2. Network Account Management
2.3. Passwords
2.4. Account Quotas
2.5. Transferring your Math Google Workspace for Education email and files
3. Printing
3.1. Printer Access
3.2. Adding the M401 and ENR2 Konica Printers to a Windows Computer
3.3. Adding the Konica Minolta Printers KM-401 or KM-ENR2 to a Mac (ver 2)
3.4. Adding the Konica Minolta PaperCut Printers on Linux
3.5. Using the Card Reader on the Konica Minolta Printer/Copiers
3.6. Checking your print quota on the Konica Minolta Printer/Copiers
3.7. Printing from the M401-B Public Windows Computer
3.8. Cancel your print job submitted to the Konica Minolta Printer/Copiers
3.9. Printing from the public iMac (Kingham) in Math 401 N
4. Google Apps
4.1. Transfer Files or Email to another Google Account
5. Webpages
5.1. Add an Event to the Math Website
5.2. Change your Profile and Office Hours Information on our Website
5.3. Create a Personal homepage
6. Remote Access to Math Accounts
6.1. Remote Access
6.2. UA VPN for Math Dept
6.3. VPN for iOS and Android
6.4. VNC - Remote access and control of your Linux Desktop Environment
6.5. Setting Up Your VNC Service
6.6. Alternatives to VNC
6.7. Remote Shell Access to Your Network Account
6.8. Running software remotely or in the background
6.9. Transferring Files To/From Your Network Account
6.10. WinSCP for File Transfer
6.11. How to Use PuTTY to Connect to a Remote Computer
6.12. VNC via SSH Tunneling
6.13. PuTTY - SSH w/ Tunneling
6.14. How to Use PuTTY to Connect to a Remote Computer
7. Software
7.1. Antivirus & Malware
7.2. Logging in to Adobe Acrobat Pro DC for Windows
7.3. Logging in to Adobe Acrobat Pro DC for Macintosh
8. Networks
8.1. Available Networks
8.2. Using Personal Equipment
9. Computers and Laptops
9.1. Computers and Laptops
9.2. Personal Equipment - Antivirus and Malware
10. High Performance Computing
10.1. High Performance Computing
Math IT Support: Printer Friendly Version
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