HomeMath/SDS Majors and MinorsRegistration and transcriptsHow do I enroll in Honors Thesis, Independent Study, or Research through the Math Department?

7.2. How do I enroll in Honors Thesis, Independent Study, or Research through the Math Department?

So you've found a professor willing to work with you on a project in mathematics or statistics & data science - that's great! If you would like to earn credit and have this experience appear on your transcript, you'll need to submit a project proposal and request for enrollment. Students currently need to pick up a paper form from our Academic Office: stop by the counter at room 108 of the Math Building during business hours.

The form will require you to include

  • which type of individual studies course you want to enroll in and at what level (see Individual Studies Course Types and Grading, and also Determining the Level of an Individual Studies Course below for more information), 
  • the number of units (at least 45 hours of work is required for each unit of credit to be earned),
  • a description of the proposed work to be done, and
  • signatures from yourself, the professor who will supervise your work, and your math department faculty advisor

The student and supervisor are expected to work together to complete the form. Important: this form needs to be submitted by the third week of the semester in order to get you enrolled. Please plan ahead!

If you are expecting to use these units toward degree requirements, make sure to discuss with your faculty advisor and the Math Center advising team (math-mathcenter@arizona.edu).

Individual Studies Course Types and Grading

See also the Catalog policies on house numbered courses and grading: 


S/P/F grades are NOT included in the GPA.






391, 491

391: A, B, C, D, E  regular grades;

491: S, P, F  alternative grades

Used for UTA programs

Directed Research

392, 492

A, B, C, D, E  regular grades



293, 393, 493

S, P, F  alternative grades

Internship Work Plan required for enrollment*

Independent Study

199, 299, 399, 499

S, P, F  alternative grades


Honors Independent Study

199H, 299H, 399H, 499H

A, B, C, D, E  regular grades

Honors College students only

Senior Capstone


A, B, C, D, E  regular grades


Honors Thesis


A, B, C, D, E  regular grades

Honors College students only; must complete two (2) semesters of 498H to graduate with honors


*see our Internship enrollment instructions for Math Department guidelines and required work plan form.

Determining the Level of an Individual Studies Course: 

The faculty member who is mentoring the individual studies course decides on the level at their sole discretion.  Some general guidelines: 

  • 100 level should be used for projects with no prerequisite college math/sds courses or knowledge, 
  • 200 level where the prerequisite knowledge/courses are 100 level (e.g. Calculus 1 or 2), 
  • 300 level where the prerequisite is 200 level (math 223 - vector calculus, math 254 level ODEs), and 
  • 400 level for courses with 300 or 400 level prerequisites. 

Mathematical maturity may also be a consideration, and faculty should feel free to use their judgment.

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