Home → Math Placement, Transfer Credit/Credit by Exam, PPL (Math Placement Test) → First and Second Year Math Courses → Math 125- Accelerated Calculus for Students Who have Experience with Calculus.
MATH 125 - Calculus I (3 units)
Description: An accelerated version of Math 122B. See description of Math 122B.
Placement Level: ALEKS PPL score of 92-100% , SAT I MSS 730-800, ACT MATH 32-36 or AP Calculus credit required. Test scores expire after one year. SAT/ACT placement is generally for first year students only.
Comments: Placement for this course is at a higher level than Math 122A/B due to its accelerated format. Any major indicating Math 125 as its math requirement will accept Math 122B. This course uses the same text and syllabus as Math 122B. This course is for independent and highly motivated students. More work is done by the student outside of class than in Math 122A/B. This course is intended for students who have had prior experience with calculus. Math 122A/B is the recommended sequence for first semester calculus students.