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Math/SDS Majors and Minors
1. Contact Us
1.1. Appointments and how to contact the Math Center
Which office should I contact?
The Math Center is home to advising for majors and minors in either Mathematics or Statistics & Data Science.
Students needing assistance with math enrollment, transfer credit, placement, or other issues not necessarily relating to our majors or minors may stop by the Math Academic Office window at room 108 of the Math building during business hours. The academic office's email is MATH-academics@arizona.edu; phone: (520) 621-6892; click here to access their knowledge base.
Contact the Math Center By Email:
Email MATH-mathcenter@arizona.edu - Math Center staff check messages frequently throughout the day when offices are open.
There is also an online form for submitting a question.
We have an online appointment scheduling tool. (See the Schedule an Advising Appointment link along the top portion of any page within this knowledge base.) Within the scheduling tool, you may select an available appointment time, and it is immediately reserved for you.
Drop-in advising:
Have a quick question? Check the Math Center calendar to see if drop-in hours are available.
Declaring a major in Math or Statistics & Data Science:
To declare one of our majors, please begin by completing our online information session (see link near the top of this page). At the end of the information session, you will be directed to see an advisor to officially declare the major and/or have any remaining questions answered.
Students who have completed the information session may either come to drop-in advising hours to declare (if they have decided on the degree - BA or BS, major - Math or SDS, and have minimal questions) or may make an appointment. An appointment is necessary if the student wants to further discuss their choices, or has more significant questions than can be handled in a brief drop-in session.
Majors can only be declared during drop-in hours if the student has previously completed the information session or met with one of our advisors to discuss the requirements.
Math department minor changes:
Want to add or remove one of our minors (math, SDS, or math education)? Submit your request here.
Additional information:
All of our online forms also feed into the MATH-mathcenter@arizona.edu messages. The first available staff member who is able to answer your submission will get back to you. Whenever possible, we try to reply by the next business day (if not sooner).
Since our staff are frequently in appointments with students or meetings and unable to answer the phone, calling the Math Center is not recommended unless a phone appointment has been previously reserved.
Note: many questions are answered already in our knowledge base; please use the "What are you looking for?" search box to see if you can get an immediate answer.
1.2. Using Zoom for Advising Appointments and Drop-ins
Advising staff in the Math Center want to encourage students to use Zoom, an online meeting tool, when in-person appointments are not feasible.
In case you are not familiar with Zoom, here are some basics to get you started:
- If a Zoom appointment is selected (in some cases, it may be the only option available), your appointment confirmation email will include a Zoom link, personalized for your meeting. You will use this link to connect to your advisor. We suggest you click the link to log in (with your NetID and password) a few minutes ahead of your appointment. Your advisor should have set up a "waiting room" for you in Zoom, so you will not need to worry about interrupting a previous appointment. If you can't find your appointment confirmation or reminder email, log in to CatCloud to view the appointment details including the link there.
- If Drop-ins are scheduled via Zoom, there will be a Zoom link in the Drop-in calendar event - click on that to connect to your advisor once the drop-in time has started.
- Note: As with appointments above, the advisor should have set up a "waiting room" in Zoom. If the advisor is already talking with a student, you may need to wait. There could also be other students waiting "in line" for advising. We will do our best to keep these sessions short (5-10 minutes). Please help us out with this by scheduling an appointment if you have lots of questions or a complicated situation that may need more time.
- Because of the nature of drop-ins, your advisor may have only one connection method available at a time; please send us an email to let us know if you need to connect in a specific modality but are not able to find availability.
- There is a Zoom app, which you may download and use if you choose. When joining a meeting, you will likely be prompted to download the app, but you are not required to do so.
- The U of A has chosen to purchase a campus license for Zoom, allowing faculty, staff, and students to use the software free of charge.
- While Zoom allows for videoconferencing, you are not required to use a camera to show video of yourself. In fact, your advisor will likely be sharing their computer screen with you, so you can view relevant information like course plans, etc. You do need the following attached to your computer or mobile device:
- A good internet connection is important for Zoom to work well. Disabling your video sharing can help some, and is not usually necessary anyway. Keep in mind that you may use U of A Wifi when on campus, and there are also computer labs available - please use headphones with a microphone (often included with cell phones) to avoid disturbing others.
- To test that Zoom is set up correctly, you can join a test meeting at https://zoom.us/test. You can make sure your microphone input, speaker output, and camera (if you wish to use one) are working correctly.
- In case connecting by WiFi is a problem, it is possible to connect to some Zoom meetings by phone. Steps:
- Dial an in-country Zoom telephone number
- Enter your meeting ID followed by a #. Your advisor will need to share this meeting ID with you from their Zoom profile. If you don't have it, please email to ask.
- If the meeting has not already started and Join Before Host is not enabled, you will be prompted: If you are participant, press # to wait.
Because of the screen sharing feature and the ability to connect without phone numbers (avoiding possible long distance charges) we think Zoom provides a great alternative to a phone appointment for students who are not able to visit their advisor in person, due to illness, scheduling, or for students who are not yet in Tucson. It is also an option for providing availability to students in some situations when the advisor (or student) is unable to come to campus.
For more detailed information about Zoom for student use (including how you can set up your own Study Group using the tool), see https://help.d2l.arizona.edu/zoomforstudents
Need help? Try the 24/7 IT support center.
2. Prospective Students
2.1. How do I declare a major in mathematics or statistics & data science?
You officially declare a major in Mathematics or Statistics & Data Science (SDS) by completing our online information session (see link on the left side of this page), then meeting with an advisor in the Math Center. You will receive information on scheduling the meeting at the end of the info session.
When you meet with an advisor, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the Math Center and ask questions not answered in the info session. The Math Center also assigns faculty advisors to students for more personalized in-depth advising, once students have progressed in the major. In addition, you may want to ask for information about opportunities for math or SDS majors to get involved in research experiences, internships, campus activities (including the MathCats and/or Risk Runners clubs), and career exploration.
Note: if you are an incoming student adding Mathematics or Statistics & Data Science as a second major/degree, we will not be able to declare it for you until after your orientation. Please hold your request until then. We will be happy to answer questions in the meantime!
Math or SDS majors who wish to add another major or change their major to something else will need to contact the department offering the new major. The Advising Resource Center on campus maintains a directory of major advisors.
Questions? The Math Center is happy to help; just send us an email.
2.2. I am planning a campus visit; is there someone I can talk to about majoring in math or sds?
Yes! The Math Department has student ambassadors through the College of Science who are happy to meet with prospective students and provide you with a student's perspective. Catalina Carlos in the college's Office of Recruitment and Engagement can help you connect with a student ambassador. If you would like to meet with an advisor or faculty member, the Math Center can help to arrange this, subject to availability.
Please provide at least one week notice prior to your visit.
We also encourage you to check out the variety of offerings provided by the college for prospective students to get in touch and learn more: https://science.arizona.edu/visit
2.3. I plan to transfer to the U of A as a math or SDS major. How can I obtain advising through that process?
For students who are currently attending a community college or another university, emailing the Math Center is the best way to get advice about what courses to take before transferring to the U of A. There are also several resources you can use to check how your courses will transfer on your own.
If you email the Math Center, please include screenshots or PDFs of your unofficial transcripts from all higher education institutions. If you have AP or other exam credits, it can also be helpful to include those. This will allow us to accurately determine which degree requirements you have already met.
If you have already been accepted to the U of A as a transfer admit, please register for a Transfer Orientation Session through your Next Steps Center as soon as possible. As part of your orientation, you will meet one-on-one with a Math Center advisor to go over your requirements and plan out your course schedule. You will gain access to register only after your orientation. Please do not schedule an advising appointment before your orientation - it is not possible to bypass the orientation requirement.
2.4. I want to return to the U of A as a math or SDS major, but my GPA wasn't great when I left. Will I be readmitted?
Applying for readmission
Some students do not need to apply for readmission: if your academic status was "eligible", "academic review", or "academic warning" and you have missed only one or two regular semesters, you may qualify for Back2UA. In this case, you only need to meet with an advisor to be able to re-enroll. Check to see if you qualify for Back2UA.
If you missed more than two regular semesters, or if you left under "Academic Probation" or "Ineligible" status, you will need to apply for readmission. Application details are available through the Admissions website.
Will I be readmitted?
In the Math Department, we consider readmission applicants on a case-by-case basis. Since the readmission applicants we are evaluating will still be in poor academic standing upon return, we will look for evidence of the applicant's having addressed the issues that contributed to previous academic difficulty, enabling them to be more successful when they return. Completion of 12 units of transferrable college course work with a GPA of 3.0 or better during the interval when the student was away from U of A is a concrete way to demonstrate readiness to return, and is something we look for in most readmission applications. We are particularly interested in completion of math course work with good grades, with other courses relevant to the degree to round out the 12 units.
Contact the Math Center if you have questions about your specific situation. We will be happy to consult with you!
2.5. Where can I find a sample 4-year plan for the math or statistics & data science major?
You can find sample 4-year plans and other advising handouts/tools at https://www.math.arizona.edu/undergraduate/math-center-advising/advising-handouts
2.6. What kind of computer should I get if I am a Math or SDS major?
There is no one preferred computer for Math or SDS majors. Students (and faculty/staff) may use Windows, macOS, or even Linux.
At times, there have been some issues connecting to U of A WiFi from some Chromebooks. We also find that Chromebooks do not work well when taking the Math placement PPL test, so it may be better not to choose one of these, if possible.
Many courses will expect students to have access to Microsoft Office products (e.g. Word, Excel) or compatible programs. The university provides free software licenses for Microsoft Office, among other programs, to current students. Courses in the Math Department may require students to access free software including MATLAB, R, Python, and LaTeX. SDS majors needing to work with large data sets will be able to access campus computing resources.
Some U of A Colleges/Departments have their own technology requirements; students who will have an additional major should check for specific standards when purchasing technology. For example:
2.7. How do I declare the math or SDS minor?
To officially declare a minor in Mathematics or Statistics & Data Science, submit your request to the Math Center here.
If you prefer, you can email us directly at mathcenter@math.arizona.edu; please include your ID number and send your request from your official U of A email account.
Your major advisor can also add the math minor for you. Degree requirements for our minors may be found on our Minor Requirements page.
We have a Mathematics Education minor as well; this minor is ONLY available to students in majors that lead to certification for secondary teaching. To add the Math Education minor, submit your request to the Math Center here .
Note: if you are an incoming student adding a minor, we will not be able to declare it for you until after your orientation. Please hold your request until then. We will be happy to answer questions in the meantime!
Questions? The Math Center is happy to help; just send us an email.
2.8. Immigration Guidance for international students
Please see the International Student Services website for the most up-to-date guidance on immigration: https://global.arizona.edu/iss/announcements#faq
3. Current Continuing Students
3.1. How can I get help with my MATH or DATA class?
The university offers free tutoring for your class! See below for details.
ThinkTank: This is an important resource for anyone in lower-division courses. ThinkTank has math tutoring in many different styles, times, and locations. Make sure you are aware of what they have to offer, and take advantage! https://thinktank.arizona.edu/tutoring/math
Math Department Tutoring: The Math Department offers free tutoring services for MATH 129 and above. For details, see https://www.math.arizona.edu/academics/tutoring
Office hours: Every course instructor holds office hours when students can ask questions about coursework or policies. Make a habit of attending these and getting to know your instructors. If you have a time conflict with the posted office hours, your instructor should be able to meet with you at a different time upon request.
3.2. I am a math or SDS major; how do I make an advising appointment?
Schedule your appointment through CatCloud. Appointments are usually 20 minutes, but are scheduled on the hour or half hour to allow a little buffer time.
The scheduling tool also displays drop-in hours, which change from week to week. Appointments are not available during drop-in hours; they are first-come, first-served and meant for quick sessions (5-10 minutes at most).
If you would like to meet with your faculty advisor, email them directly to set up a time. Their contact information can be found on our website. If you don't know who your faculty advisor is, contact the Math Center to inquire.
3.3. Priority registration advising
Advising for Priority Registration begins once the next semester's schedule is published (in Fall, this is around October 1; in Spring, it is around March 1). Enrollment opens about a month after the schedule is posted. Please note that once the schedule has been published, it will usually still require some updates.
Appointments: Due to high demand for advising, appointments during priority registration advising are reserved for math or statistics major business. Use the Schedule an Advising Appointment link at the top left of this or any page within the Knowledge Base.
Enrollment issues/questions: Students who have questions about enrolling in a math class may stop by our Academic Office (the counter at room 108 of the Math building) during business hours for assistance. If you have questions about enrolling in a course that does not have the "MATH" or "DATA" prefix, please contact the offering department.
Drop-ins for math/stat minors and majors: Math or Stat minors and majors who need only 5-10 minutes for questions may stop by to talk with an advisor during drop-in advising hours. Availability for drop-ins is posted in the appointment calendar linked above, here: https://www.math.arizona.edu/drop-in-advising, and on paper outside of our advisors' offices (Math building rooms 221 and 217). If an "Open for Drop-ins" sign is posted, drop-ins are in progress! Drop-ins are first-come, first-served (no appointments). There may be a wait at times. Drop-ins are being held via Zoom until further notice.
Email: Many questions may be answered by email: mathcenter@math.arizona.edu
Knowledge base: and some are answered in our Knowledge Base: http://mathcenter.math.arizona.edu/
3.4. I am a math or SDS major. How do I find out who my faculty advisor is?
Unfortunately, UAccess was not set up to allow us to provide this information in your UAccess account. You can always request the information from mathcenter@math.arizona.edu- Math Center staff will be happy to send along the name and contact information for your faculty advisor. If drop-in advising hours are convenient, you can also stop in to ask.
The Math Center will email every math and SDS major in the first part of each semester (typically in late September and late February) as students are beginning to prepare for priority registration. This message comes from mcenter@math.arizona.edu, and will also include information about your current emphasis (and how to update it if you wish to do so), academic level, and more.
3.5. I am having trouble getting in touch with my faculty advisor. What should I do?
If you have tried to get in touch with your faculty advisor and have not gotten a response within a reasonable time frame*, please contact the Math Center. We can help!
*It may take a few days for a faculty advisor to reply; possibly longer in the summer or during winter break (many faculty spend their breaks away from campus). If you don't hear back in a few days during the school year, don't be shy about trying again. You may also want to check your faculty advisor's profile page on our website to see if your faculty advisor has posted office hours there; while office hours are intended more for help with classes that the professor is teaching, they can be a good time to stop in and set up an advising appointment.
3.6. Where can I find the requirements for my math or statistics & data science major?
If you have already declared a major in math or SDS, the best place to look is your advisement report in UAccess (see the Advising menu in your Student Center). Your advisement report shows all of the requirements for your degree, including your major requirements. However, math majors who have not yet selected an emphasis will not see requirements specific to their emphasis until it has been officially declared. (You can declare or change your emphasis by emailing the Math Center or meeting with a Math Center advisor.)
The math and SDS major requirements for the current academic catalog are posted on our website:
We also maintain an archive of requirements from past catalogs, accessible from the page above. Note that students by default are typically placed into the catalog that was in place when they entered the U of A. However, students have the option to select a newer catalog if they wish, up until the degree is completed.
3.7. I am a math or SDS major; are there scholarships that I can apply for?
The Math Department has some funding for scholarships.
Most of our departmental scholarships share a single application, which is generally due each year on the first Friday in April. (See
https://www.math.arizona.edu/academics/undergraduate/scholarships for additional information.)
When available, the application forms are linked from the scholarship descriptions on our website, and are also sent out in the weekly news message for Math and SDS majors.
Are you a Math or SDS minor, not a major? We also select the McLean Transfer scholar each fall. This scholarship is awarded to a STEM major who has completed at least one MATH course here at the University of Arizona at the level of calculus 1 or above. See https://www.math.arizona.edu/academics/undergraduate/scholarships and look for the McLean Transfer scholarship under Other Scholarships and Awards to learn more.
All students are encouraged to use scholarshipuniverse.arizona.edu to seek out additional sources of scholarship funding.
3.8. How do I "un-declare" a math department major or minor?
We understand that students may need to change their major or minor, and we can easily remove a math/SDS minor or major for you via email in most cases* - just send your request from your university email account with your student ID to math-MathCenter@arizona.edu.
*Note: If you wish to remove a major, you will need to have another major in place. If math/SDS is your only major, you can request to have the major removed when you declare a new major; see the Directory on the Advising Resource Center website to find the contact information for your new major advisor. If you are interested in dropping your math department major to a minor but are not sure what requirements you have left to complete, just ask the Math Center: math-MathCenter@arizona.edu.
3.9. What if I want to study mathematics AND statistics & data science?
We encourage students to explore their interests in all areas of mathematics! All of our majors and minors require 2-3 semesters of calculus, as well as linear algebra. See our four-year plans for details.
If you are interesting in completing multiple majors or minors within the math department, please speak to an advisor, and see our departmental double dipping policies.
3.10. Where can I view the requirements for a math or SDS minor?
If you have already declared a math minor, the best place to look is your advisement report in UAccess (see the Academics menu in your Student Center). Your advisement report shows all of the requirements for your degree, including your minor requirements.
Our department offers three minors:
- Mathematics Minor
- Mathematics Teaching Minor
- Statistics & Data Science Minor
Each requires at least 18 units of coursework in mathematics (a minimum of 3 units must be taken at U of A, and at least 6 units must come from specified upper-division offerings in MATH or DATA). Note that while the Mathematics and Statistics & Data Science minors are available to everyone*, the Mathematics Teaching Minor is available only to secondary education teaching majors.
For minor requirements, see https://www.math.arizona.edu/academics/undergraduate/minors
We also maintain an archive of requirements from past catalogs, accessible from the page above. Note that students by default are typically placed into the catalog that was in place when they entered the U of A. However, students have the option to select a newer catalog if they wish, up until the degree is completed.
*If you are interesting in completing multiple majors or minors within the math department, please speak to an advisor, and see our departmental double dipping policies.
3.11. I am a Math or SDS minor - how do I connect with my advisor?
During busy times of the semester (around the beginning of fall or spring semester, and during priority registration), appointments may be limited to majors. However, our minors are always welcome to attend drop-in advising and/or ask questions via email. Many issues relating to minors can be handled in one of these ways.
Find the Drop-in calendar, the Appointment scheduler, add/remove minor form, and a form to submit questions at https://mathcenter.math.arizona.edu You can also search our knowledgebase there.
Drop-in hours are first-come, first-served (no appointments) and meant for quick sessions (5-10 minutes at most).
Appointments are usually 20 minutes, but are scheduled on the hour or half hour to allow a little buffer time.
3.12. Can I use a course from another department in my math or SDS minor requirements?
Usually, no. The exceptions tend to be courses where the offering department has worked with us in development of the course and (at least historically) cross-listed the course. Since the College of Science stopped offering cross-listings between courses within the college, it may be tough to tell which courses can be used. We hope the following notes will help to clarify:
- SIE 440 is an option for the elective course in the SDS major.
- ECOL 480 does count in the math minor, though the cross-listing has not been preserved.
- PHIL/CSC/MATH 401A and 401B do count in the math minor requirements. Since these courses are offered by the Philosophy department (not in the College of Science), the cross-listing has been preserved.
- ONE course from CSC 244, CSC 245, or CSC 473 may be used in the math minor, but not more than one.
- Sorry, though the College of Engineering offers some courses with significant math content, they do not fit the criteria for use in a math minor.
Something to keep in mind: graduate programs and employers who view a student's transcript will expect to see a minimum number of MATH courses for a student earning a math minor. Likewise, students earning the SDS minor should have DATA courses on their transcript.
3.13. Major elective options for SDS
DATA Elective Courses
The SDS major requires students to choose at least one course from the following list of elective courses (see below for more detailed information about prerequisites, etc). We recommend that students discuss their choice of elective with their SDS faculty advisor.
- DATA 367 - Statistical Methods in Sports Analytics
- DATA 396T - Topics in Undergraduate Statistics & Data Science
- DATA 412 - Linear Algebra for Data Science
- DATA 462 - Financial Math
- DATA 468 - Applied Stochastic Processes
- DATA 496T - Advanced Topics in Undergraduate Statistics & Data Science
- DATA 498H - Honors Thesis
- SIE 440 - Survey of Optimization Methods
Most of these courses are generally available in spring semester, though we sometimes are able to offer 462 in summer and 412 is offered in fall.
Q. Can I substitute an upper-division course from another department as my DATA elective?
A. Unless it is SIE 440, then no. We have an agreement with SIE to utilize this course, but it is the only one. Note that many other related courses on campus may fulfill application course requirements for the SDS major.
Q. Can I substitute a graduate level course (500-level) from another department as my DATA elective?
Maybe. First, you would need to be eligible to take the course. Second, you would need to have the course looked at for appropriateness of level and content. Email the Math Center with specifics on the course and we'll help sort this out.
DATA 367 - Statistical Methods in Sports Analytics
Usually offered: Spring
Prerequisite: MATH 129 or above
Description: This course will introduce statistical methods and training in statistical consulting aimed to analyze sports by using observational data on players and teams. With an emphasis on statistical inference and modeling, the students will learn how to analyze a sports related problem, utilize statistical tools to find a solution and interpret those results to sports professionals. The course will also offer the opportunity to focus on a semester long sports analytics project in partnership with a University of Arizona athletics team.
DATA 396T - Topics in Undergraduate Statistics & Data Science and DATA 496T - Advanced Topics in Undergraduate Statistics & Data Science
Offered occasionally in spring (Topics course offerings depend upon proposals from faculty and availability of resources to run them).
Prerequisites vary; 496T will typically require at least 313 or 363, while 396T would usually have a lower prerequisite.
When a topics course has been approved, information will be posted on our website at https://www.math.arizona.edu/academics/courses/ugtopics
Usually offered: Fall
Prerequisite: MATH 313
Description: This course will cover some of the more advanced topics in Linear Algebra beyond what is covered in traditional undergraduate courses. The focus will be on exploring theory which is used in real Data Science applications, including matrix factorization, low-rank matrix approximations, kernel methods, graph theory, and optimization. Some special modern topics will be covered such as Compressed Sensing, Data Clustering, and Frame Theory. The theory will be complemented with illustrative applications.
DATA 462 - Financial Math
Usually offered: Spring; sometimes offered in summer.
Prerequisite: MATH 223
Description: Analysis of cash flows from an actuarial viewpoint. Interest theory, annuities, bonds, loans, and related fixed income portfolios, rate of return, yield, duration, immunization, and related concepts.
DATA 468 - Applied Stochastic Processes
Usually offered: Spring
Prerequisite: MATH 464
Description: Applications of Gaussian and Markov processes and renewal theory; Wiener and Poisson processes, queues.
DATA 498H - Honors Thesis
Note: the honors thesis, 498H, is completely unrelated to DATA 498A. DATA 498A is a standard class run by one faculty member with a classroom full of students that has a project as its centerpiece; DATA 498H has no classroom component and is arranged by the individual student with a faculty member of their choosing as supervisor. It is not possible to substitute 498H for 498A.
Usually offered: Fall, Spring; can also be taken in Summer if needed.
Prerequisite: admission to the Franke Honors College; submission of thesis prospectus; the thesis is to be completed during the student's final two semesters of study.
See also our Honors Thesis page.
SIE 440 - Survey of Optimization Methods
Usually offered: Spring
Prerequisite: UAccess enrollment requires that students have advanced standing within Engineering and completion of SIE 340. However, interested students with appropriate background may contact the Systems Engineering advisor to request enrollment. Students should have background in optimization/linear programming. We have heard from SDS students in the past that some of the techniques that are considered prerequisites for this course may have been taught using different terminology; our students have felt sufficiently prepared for the course, and also reported that it was "appropriately challenging".
Description: Survey of methods including network flows, integer programming, nonlinear programming, and dynamic programming. Model development and solution algorithms are covered.
4. Honors
4.1. How can I earn Honors from the Honors College?
Honors for Math and SDS Majors
In order to graduate with honors from the Franke Honors College, students who have been accepted into the Franke Honors College must meet the following requirements:
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.4 at graduation
- Completion of minimum number of honors units*
- Completion of honors thesis (or Engineering Senior Design Project) and submission to the Franke Honors College.
*30 units of honors course work are usually required. Some students who enter with more than 30 units of transfer work may take fewer honors units; consult the Honors Advising Team for more information.
Not a member of the Franke Honors College? You could apply for admission! Eligibility requirements and application details are available on their website.
The following pages in this knowledgebase provide additional details about completion of honors course work and honors thesis requirements for students in our department.
- Honors Course Work - ways to earn Honors credit in Math:
- Honors Thesis - requirements and procedures for an Honors Thesis in Math
4.2. Honors Contracts
Honors Contracts
Students who are members of the Franke Honors College may contract with the instructor of a course not otherwise available for honors, in order to earn honors credit in the course. See the Franke Honors College website for policies and procedures.
4.3. 500-Level (Graduate) Courses
500 Level (Graduate) Courses
Juniors and Seniors who are members of the Franke Honors College may enroll in 500-level courses for undergraduate honors credit. (Seniors who are not in the Honors College may also enroll in 500-level courses, if approved by the instructor, head of the department offering the course, and Dean of the Graduate College.) Students who are interested in this option should first speak to their departmental faculty advisor. Instructions for enrollment are here.
Some of our 500-level classes are co-convened with 400-level classes; these may directly substitute for the 400-level version (e.g. MATH 515A Intro to Abstract Algebra substitutes for MATH 415A Intro to Abstract Algebra).
Recent math/sds majors have enrolled in the following graduate courses, just to give you an idea of what is available:
- 504 (History of Math, co-convened with 404),
- 511A/B (Algebra),
- 513 (Linear Algebra, co-convened with 413),
- 514A/B (Algebraic Number Theory),
- 515A/B (Abstract Algebra, co-convened with 415A/B),
- 516 (Commutative Algebra),
- 520A (Complex Analysis),
- 522 (Applied Analysis, co-convened with 422),
- 523A/B (Real Analysis),
- 524 (Complex Analysis, co-convened with 424),
- 525A/B (Real Analysis of One/Several Variables),
- 528A/B (Banach & Hilbert Spaces),
- 532 (Topology, co-convened with 432),
- 534A/B (Topology-Geometry),
- 536A/B (Algebraic Geometry),
- 543 (Graphs & Networks, co-convened with 443),
- 564 (Theory of Probability),
- 566 (Theory of Statistics),
- 571A/B (Advanced Statistical Regression Analysis, Design of Experiments, part of Accelerated Master's Program),
- 574M (Machine Learning)
4.4. Honors Thesis
Honors Thesis
To graduate with honors from the Honors College in your major area, students need to submit a prospectus outlining their proposed thesis work, and then complete and submit a thesis through the major department. Additionally, students must meet minimum GPA and honors unit requirements - see your Honors Student Success Counselor for details, and be sure to check in regularly to ensure that you are on track to graduate with honors. Details about the prospectus, thesis, and timelines are available on the Franke Honors College website.
HNRS 321: Ignite Proseminar
The Franke Honors College runs a 1 unit course called "Ignite Proseminar" that is recommended for the semester prior to starting the honors thesis. This course provides support through the process of developing the thesis prospectus. Enroll in UAccess.
Enrolling in DATA/MATH 498H
DATA 498H and MATH 498H are available in Fall, Spring, and even in Summer, though faculty availability in Summer is often limited. Students must enroll in 3 units of DATA or MATH 498H for two distinct semesters (6 units total) to qualify for honors. To enroll in DATA/MATH 498H, submit the independent study proposal form from the Math Academic Office; once you have completed the form and permissions have been obtained from your thesis supervisor and faculty advisor, the Academic Office staff will process the form and enroll you in the course.
Finding a Thesis Advisor and Topic
There are a number of ways to get connected with a thesis advisor and find a research topic:
Get to know your professors.
Office hours are not just for homework help, they are also a great time to get to know your professors, and find out what research projects (if any) they have going. Also remember that you will need letters of recommendation at some point, and professors who know you well both in and outside of the classroom will write the strongest letters for you!
Check out the project ideas posted on our web page.
Some of our faculty have submitted information about projects that undergraduates could work on under their supervision. These project ideas are posted on our website. Students may contact the faculty members directly for more information. Please note that there are many more faculty that are happy to work with undergraduate researchers; the list is by no means exhaustive. Students may also wish to consult the list of faculty by research area.
Contact the URA program coordinator.
The coordinator of the Mathematics Department's Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA) program, can be very helpful in connecting students with research in mathematics: ura@math.arizona.edu.
4.5. Honors FAQ
Q. If I am not a member of the Franke Honors College, but graduate with a high GPA, will I still be recognized in some way?
A. Yes! Graduation with Academic Distinction (also known as Latin Honors) is independent of membership in the Honors College. Students who have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher will receive these honors on their transcript and diploma. Details are available in the catalog.
The Math Department also honors our students who maintain a 4.0 GPA in their Math or SDS major up to their final semester. Watch for email communication about this recognition if it applies to you.
High achieving students may also be invited to join ΦΒΚ (Phi Beta Kappa Honorary Society). Note that if you are invited to join and wish to do so, you must join prior to graduation. If you have questions about this honor, please feel free to contact Dr. Tom Fleming, taf@arizona.edu.
Q. Can any instructor supervise an honors contract?
A. Yes, if they are willing. Learn more on the honors contracts page.
Q. Can any instructor supervise my honors thesis?
A. No, there are some restrictions on this. First, the supervisor must be tenure-track. (Graduate Teaching Assistants, Instructional or Adjunct Faculty, and Lecturers are not allowed; if you are not sure, ask the potential supervisor to review the thesis advisor information and let you know if they are able to supervise your work. In addition, the faculty member should typically be a member of the department in which you are earning credit. In the Math Department, it can be possible to have a supervisor from another department if you also have a co-supervisor from our department to sign off on the project content and goals.
5. Graduating Students
5.1. I finished all of my degree requirements; when do I get my diploma? Where will my diploma be sent?
First, has your Degree Audit Worksheet (DAW) been completed and submitted? You will not receive a diploma unless your degree check has been completed so Graduation Services can verify that all requirements are met. Email the Math Center if you need assistance with the process.
Graduation Services advisors post degrees after all U of A course grades have been submitted and all transcripts have been received from other institutions. The Registrar's Website contains the schedule for posting degrees, information about degree verification, diploma sizes, and more.
By default, diplomas are sent to the Permanent Address you have specified in your UAccess account. You can set a different Diploma Address there, if you wish; see the Registrar's page on updating personal information for details.
5.2. What is the degree check/Degree Audit Worksheet process for my math or SDS major?
If Math or Statistics & Data Science is NOT your primary major, then check with your primary major advisor for instructions. Either way, your math/SDS Faculty Advisor will be the one who signs off to approve your math/SDS major. If you are not sure who your faculty advisor is, the Math Center can look it up for you. (math-mathcenter@arizona.edu)
If you have not yet applied for graduation, log into UAccess and select "Apply for graduation" from your To-Do list; then follow the steps from there. Deadlines: for May or August graduates - February 1. For December or January graduates - September 1. These are the deadlines; students should be completing the application BEFORE these dates.
After applying for graduation, you will complete a Degree Audit Worksheet (also known as a DAW or "pink sheet"). We STRONGLY recommend getting this done before it becomes difficult to change your schedule for your final semester/term in case an advisor finds that you are missing any requirements.
Please also fill out our graduation survey when you get a chance, to let us know your future plans and provide feedback to us.
We are still completing DAWs electronically, so please email math-mathcenter@arizona.edu to let us know that you need to begin your DAW. We will assist you with the process from there.
5.3. I am a Math or SDS minor; what do I need to do for my degree check/Degree Audit Worksheet?
If you have not yet applied for graduation, log into UAccess and select "Apply for graduation" from your To-Do list; then follow the steps from there. Deadlines: for May or August graduates - February 1. For December or January graduates - September 1. Contact your Academic Advisor once you've applied to request a Degree Audit Worksheet (DAW).
Most students do not need a signature for their minor on the DAW, per university policy. If your minor appears satisfied in your Advisement Report (or will once you enroll in your final courses), a signature is not needed - we can save you some hassle! The minor will be awarded as part of your degree, provided you complete any remaining courses with sufficient grades to maintain the minimum 2.0 minor GPA required by the university.
If your minor does not appear satisfied in your Advisement Report, please email your Degree Audit Worksheet to the Math Center: math-mathcenter@arizona.edu. You will receive an email follow-up, either with the signed DAW form or with questions about your plans for any missing requirements.
During busy times of the semester, please allow up to a week for processing.
Important: Students with out-of-state math transfer courses MUST have the transfer credit evaluated prior to the degree check process. The degree check process will be delayed 2 weeks if out-of-state course equivalency evaluation is not yet complete. See https://www.math.arizona.edu/academics/undergraduate/transfers for instructions.
5.4. Will my Math or SDS Minor show on my degree when I graduate?
The minor will appear on your official transcripts as part of the degree that been awarded. Minors do not typically appear on diplomas, however.
6. Curriculum Changes
6.1. Online offerings for majors & minors
Online campus students: please note - our online course offerings are limited. We DO offer the Math and SDS minors online, but students will not have flexibility in class selection or terms when the courses are offered. We DO NOT offer our majors online at this time, sorry.
Main campus students: please note - lower-division online courses are primarily for students in Online campus programs in fall and spring semesters. Limited seats may be available to Main campus students who have legitimate conflicts with in-person classes, space permitting.
Online course offerings at/above the level of calculus as of January, 2024:
Prefix |
Catalog number |
Title |
Online campus |
Main campus |
122A |
Functions for Calculus |
Summer, Fall, Spring |
Summer, Fall, Spring (ONLY offered online) |
122B |
First-Semester Calculus |
Summer, Fall, Spring |
limited availability Fall, Spring
125 |
Calculus I (accelerated) |
sometimes available Fall, Spring |
sometimes available Fall, Spring
129 |
Calculus II |
Summer, Fall, Spring |
limited availability Fall, Spring
223 |
Vector Calculus |
Summer, Fall, Spring |
limited availability Fall, Spring
243 |
Discrete Mathematics |
Summer, Fall, Spring |
limited availability Fall, Spring
254 |
Intro Ord Diff Equations |
Summer, Fall, Spring |
limited availability Fall, Spring
313 |
Intro to Linear Algebra |
Summer, Fall, Spring
Summer; some availability Fall, Spring (usually about 30 seats per semester) |
363 |
Intro Statistical Method (has programming requirements) |
Summer, Fall |
Summer, Fall |
422 |
Adv Applied Mathematics |
in development |
in development |
467 |
Intro Applied Linear Models |
Spring |
Spring |
6.2. DATA 474 - Machine Learning - and DATA 498A - Capstone for SDS
Since its inception, DATA 498A has been both a capstone and a machine learning course, and it has been the intention of the Math Department to separate out those two aspects into different courses. As of 2024, a new Machine Learning course has been added to the catalog: DATA 474.
Students entering the SDS program in Summer/Fall 2024 or later will be required to take BOTH DATA 474 and DATA 498A. Both courses are in the major requirements for this new catalog.
Students who entered the SDS program prior to Summer/Fall 2024 only need ONE of these courses. We want students' transcripts to show that you will have had a machine learning course, so we are beginning a transition in Spring 2025: we will enroll you in the new course - DATA 474, Statistical Machine Learning - and will substitute this for DATA 498A in your requirements
Graduating students will have top priority to be added to DATA 474. If there are additional seats once the graduating students have been accommodated, these will be released for other students to enroll.
Questions: contact the Math Center: MATH-mcenter@arizona.edu
6.3. SDS Minor Requirement updates for 2024 catalog
The undergraduate curriculum committee for the Department of Mathematics decided to remove the MATH 223 prerequisite for DATA/MATH 363 effective starting in Fall 2024. The vector calculus content that is needed in DATA/MATH 363 is not extensive, and 363 will be adjusted in order to teach that content within the course.
See also the Related Page (linked at the bottom of this page) with details on the computing prerequisites for 363.
Modifications to SDS Minor Requirements
In light of the prerequisite changes to DATA/MATH 363 and the proposed introduction of two new courses, DATA 201 - Foundations of Data Science and DATA 474 - Intro to Statistical Machine Learning, the following modifications to the SDS minor requirements have been made and are effective Fall 2024:
- MATH 223 will no longer be required
- DATA 201 will be required instead
- DATA 474 will be another available elective option
Note: MATH 464 still requires completion of MATH 223; students wishing to take MATH 464 as their SDS minor elective course will need to fit MATH 223 into their course plan.
View the current minor requirements on our website (see the Minor Catalogs section for older catalogs): https://www.math.arizona.edu/academics/undergraduate/minors
6.4. Which catalog applies to me?
How do I know which catalog requirements apply to me?
By default, students requirements are from the catalog under which they entered:
If a student A started at the University of Arizona during the 2023-24 academic year, the Fall 2023 catalog requirements will apply to them.
If a student B started at the University of Arizona during the 2024-25 academic year, the Fall 2024 catalog requirements will apply to them.
Students DO have some choice; a student may opt in to requirements for a later catalog, if they determine with the advisor that this will not cause problems with their plans to complete their degree. This also enables students to take advantage of new programs that may not have been offered yet when they started at the university.
Student A could opt in to the Fall 2024 catalog requirements.
However, students are not able to choose an earlier catalog.
Student B cannot choose the Fall 2023 catalog requirements.
Keep in mind: returning students who have to apply for readmission will enter under the newest catalog requirements in effect for their readmission term. They will not have the option to change requirements, but should work with their advisor upon readmission especially if there are significant curriculum changes since they attended previously.
Official policy on Choice of Catalog: https://catalog.arizona.edu/policy/program-graduation/student/catalog-choice
6.5. DATA/MATH 363 Computing prerequisites
Course requisite and major curriculum updates
Data Science requires skills in computation, particularly Python and SQL. For majors in Statistics & Data Science, the courses listed below are required as of 2022. In addition, they have been added as pre- or co-requisites for MATH/DATA 363.
For students who plan to take 363 as part of a math or SDS minor, or another major, there are some online alternatives to the listed the University of Arizona courses. However, we still encourage all students interested in data science to take these courses for a more complete background in computing skills for data science. The online alternatives do not provide college credit; they will only serve as background for the MATH/DATA 363 course.
Python Programming
The SDS major already requires that students complete a Python programming course (CSC 110 or ISTA 130, typically) but to ensure that students are learning Python early and to give them more opportunities to use Python in other courses including 363, we are adding a Python programming course as prerequisite to DATA/MATH 363 effective Spring 2023. Having some programming background prior to 363 will also make it easier for students to learn R as part of the course - another important tool for Data Science.
Students who have already taken 363 are naturally exempt from this prerequisite, but are encouraged to take their Python course as soon as possible.
Are there other options to fulfill this requirement besides CSC 110 or ISTA 130? For SDS majors, the formal course is required, and for many students, a formal course will be the best way to really learn Python. Additional U of A courses that we can accept, but may need to be substituted in your advisement report:
- CSC 120
- CSC 250 (if available)
- ECE 175 (or the new ECE 101) PLUS one of the following Python courses (the ECE course provides greater depth of programming knowledge to supplement these lighter Python courses):
- BE 205 or
- CHEE 205 or
- AME 209
Some of the above may not automatically fulfill prerequisites or major/minor requirements. Email the Math Center if you need assistance.
We also accept MIS 301 for the Python requirement, but this class is only available to MIS majors in Eller so it will not be added to the official requirements. Students may email the Math Center if they have taken this course for access to enroll in 363.
However, some students may find that an online course works better for their needs. The following courses have been approved (email the Math Center with proof of completion if you have finished one of them, or if you would like to inquire about a different course):
- From Codecademy
- Learn Python 2
- Learn Python 3
- Python for Programmers
- From DataCamp
- From LinkedIn Learning
- Python Essential Training (Course ID: 0000016001)
- From Udemy
- 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2023
As of fall semester 2022, we are also looking at some newer U of A courses that now teach Python as possible options. If you find a course that you think might work, feel free to send us the syllabus - new courses seem to keep popping up!
Data Management/SQL
Effective in Fall 2023, we are adding a Data Management/SQL requirement to the SDS major AND as a pre- or co-requisite to DATA/MATH 363. ISTA 322 is available to our students and requires only a programming course (ISTA 130 or CSC 110) as prerequisite. The skills learned in this course will be useful to students as they work on their data projects in DATA/MATH 363 as well as in later courses. CSC 460 also works, but has additional upper-division CS courses as prerequisites, so is less accessible. We have also approved GIST 470 and MIS 331 - also courses that are likely to only be taken by majors in that field. Students who have taken the CSC, GIST, or MIS course will need to notify us so we can update your registration access. If you find other courses that you think may be similar, please let us know.
Are there other options to fulfill this requirement besides ISTA 322? For SDS majors, the formal course is required, and for many students, a formal course will be the best way to really learn SQL. However, some students may find that an online course works better for their needs. The following courses have been approved (email the Math Center with proof of completion if you have finished one of them, or if you would like to inquire about a different course):
Students who have participated in the Coding for Data track of the Global Tech Experience can be exempt from this co-requisite; please contact the Math Center if you cannot enroll in 363 yourself. (These students still need to take a course as listed above to meet the Python programming requirement.)
Students who have already taken 363 are naturally exempt from this pre- or co-requisite, but are encouraged to still find time to take a course in Data Management/SQL since these are skills that potential employers will be looking for.
For Statistics & Data Science majors who have selected BS for their degree, we can replace 3 units of Application Course work with ISTA 322. Please let us know when you are enrolled in ISTA 322 so we can make this adjustment for you. (email math-mathcenter@arizona.edu and ask us to substitute ISTA 322 for an application course).
6.6. DATA 467: offering pattern - new 2022
In Spring 2022, we offered DATA 467 fully online, in addition to offering it in-person in Fall 2021 and Fall 2022.
Going forward, we hope to be able to offer DATA 467 fully online in spring semesters, but due to staffing changes, are unsure whether we will have someone to teach it. Students who prefer to take the online course in spring may do so if offered, but should have a back-up plan in case it is not available.
Students can expect DATA 467 to be offered in-person each fall semester for the foreseeable future.
6.7. New General Education Curriculum - 2022
New students starting at the University in Spring 2022 (and later) have a brand new general education program.
When searching for gen eds, students will see options for Gen Eds that "Begin 2022," but students who started in Fall 2021 or earlier should choose the "Before 2022" Tiers program courses.
Please know that gen eds are not changing for existing students. By default, you will keep the set of General Education requirements that were in effect when you entered the university.
Questions? Just ask! math-mathcenter@arizona.edu
6.8. MATH 323 and 396L changes - 2020
The Math Center would like to inform our math majors and minors about some changes to MATH 323 and 396L beginning with summer and fall 2020. Until now, the prerequisite for MATH 323 was MATH 313 (with a D or better). MATH 396L (the 1-unit Wildcat Proofs workshop) was an optional way to get extra proof-writing practice.
Logic and proof-writing are essential skills for mathematicians; to improve the outcomes and the student experience for 323, we have adjusted the pre- and co-requisites. From now on, students who earn a C or higher in MATH 313 will be eligible to go on to MATH 323. However, students who earn a D in MATH 313 will have to take an additional proof-focused course - either MATH 243 or 315 - or repeat 313 for a better grade before moving forward.
In addition, students with a C or lower in 313 will be required to enroll in MATH 396L concurrently with 323. The content of this course will align more closely with that of 323, and students in other proof-based courses will no longer be able to enroll in 396L.
The enrollment requirements for MATH 323 have already been changed.
Q: I earned a D in MATH 313, but what if I took CSC 245 and earned a C or better in that? I hear it's similar to MATH 243.
A: Yes, CSC 245 is similar to MATH 243 and will also satisfy the requirement.
Q: I took Intro to Linear Algebra somewhere else, and it appears as MATH 215 in my record. Am I eligible for MATH 323?
A: Yes. You must have earned a C or better in the course in order for the credit to transfer. Your course will be evaluated just like MATH 313.
Q: I need to repeat MATH 323. Do I also need MATH 396L?
A: We strongly recommend it. While UAccess will not require you to take 396L if you earned an A or B in MATH 313, the need to repeat MATH 323 suggests that you would benefit from also taking MATH 396L.
Q: During the Spring 2020 COVID-19 situation, I changed my MATH 313 course to pass/fail grading. How does this affect my eligibility for 323?
A: Earning a P grade in MATH 313 for Spring 2020 only will be treated as equivalent to a C (these students may enroll in MATH 323 but will also be required to enroll in MATH 396L). Students who earn an F in MATH 313 in Spring 2020 will have to repeat the course for a regular grade.
6.9. MATH 475B changes for 2020-21 and beyond
Due to a combination of low demand for the past 10 years and budget pressures, the Math Department has decided to discontinue MATH 475B after this semester, spring 2020. (There are currently only 8 students in the class.)
We will still offer MATH 475A going forward, and have approved some alternatives to MATH 475B for students who may have planned to complete the MATH 475A/475B sequence, which is part of the Applied and Computer Science emphases:
Applied emphasis - choose
MATH 475A + one from {MATH 413, 424, 443, 445, 447, 454, 456, 464}
CS emphasis - choose
MATH 475A + one from {MATH 422, 424, 454, 456, 464, 485}
These options will not appear in current advisement reports, so the Math Center will need to make substitutions for students. Please email math-mathcenter@arizona.edu when you enroll in the second course for the "sequence" as listed above, and we will make the adjustment for you.
6.10. MATH 481: new course for 2021
MATH 481 – Mathematical modeling of fluid flow through and around organs and organisms: We have decided to try offering this new course in Fall semesters; the course will be an option for students in the APPLIED and the LIFE SCIENCE emphases (these students will be able to choose between 485 and 481). The course also counts as the upper-division elective in the math MINOR.
Students who were admitted prior to Fall 2021 may not see this course option in their advisement reports; they should email the Math Center for assistance.
Details: 3 units, taught by Professor Laura Miller (she was new to the department in Fall 2020) See UAccess for scheduled days/times.
Prerequisites: MATH 223
Description: This course will focus on the mathematical modeling of fluid flows through and around organs and organisms, with an emphasis on topics of current medical and environmental interest. The natural world is replete with examples of cells, organs, and organisms whose shape influences flow to their benefit. For example, the shape of a maple seed generates lift which allows them to disperse farther. The design of the aortic valve prevents backflow during ventricular refilling while reducing disturbed regions of flow. The structure of a coral reef enhances the uptake of nutrients and the removal of wastes. A barracudas body shape reduces drag and allows it to quickly accelerate. In this course, we will mathematically describe the shape of organisms using 3D computer aided design (CAD). We will then use computational and experimental fluid dynamics to resolve the flow around 3D printed physical and numerical models. Mathematical topics will include the use of differential equations to describe fluid flow, numerical solutions of differential equations, image analysis, and the use of computational fluid dynamics software.
7. Registration and transcripts
7.1. UAccess Registration tutorials
Video and PDF tutorials demonstrating the most common registration steps in UAccess are available on the Registrar's Office website: https://registrar.arizona.edu/records-enrollment/enrollment/how-register-classes
7.2. How do I enroll in Honors Thesis, Independent Study, or Research through the Math Department?
So you've found a professor willing to work with you on a project in mathematics or statistics & data science - that's great! If you would like to earn credit and have this experience appear on your transcript, you'll need to submit a project proposal and request for enrollment. Students currently need to pick up a paper form from our Academic Office: stop by the counter at room 108 of the Math Building during business hours.
The form will require you to include
- which type of individual studies course you want to enroll in and at what level (see Individual Studies Course Types and Grading, and also Determining the Level of an Individual Studies Course below for more information),
- the number of units (at least 45 hours of work is required for each unit of credit to be earned),
- a description of the proposed work to be done, and
- signatures from yourself, the professor who will supervise your work, and your math department faculty advisor
The student and supervisor are expected to work together to complete the form. Important: this form needs to be submitted by the third week of the semester in order to get you enrolled. Please plan ahead!
If you are expecting to use these units toward degree requirements, make sure to discuss with your faculty advisor and the Math Center advising team (math-mathcenter@arizona.edu).
Individual Studies Course Types and Grading
See also the Catalog policies on house numbered courses and grading:
S/P/F grades are NOT included in the GPA.
391, 491
391: A, B, C, D, E regular grades;
491: S, P, F alternative grades
Used for UTA programs
Directed Research
392, 492
A, B, C, D, E regular grades
293, 393, 493
S, P, F alternative grades
Internship Work Plan required for enrollment*
Independent Study
199, 299, 399, 499
S, P, F alternative grades
Honors Independent Study
199H, 299H, 399H, 499H
A, B, C, D, E regular grades
Honors College students only
Senior Capstone
A, B, C, D, E regular grades
Honors Thesis
A, B, C, D, E regular grades
Honors College students only; must complete two (2) semesters of 498H to graduate with honors
*see our Internship enrollment instructions for Math Department guidelines and required work plan form.
Determining the Level of an Individual Studies Course:
The faculty member who is mentoring the individual studies course decides on the level at their sole discretion. Some general guidelines:
- 100 level should be used for projects with no prerequisite college math/sds courses or knowledge,
- 200 level where the prerequisite knowledge/courses are 100 level (e.g. Calculus 1 or 2),
- 300 level where the prerequisite is 200 level (math 223 - vector calculus, math 254 level ODEs), and
- 400 level for courses with 300 or 400 level prerequisites.
Mathematical maturity may also be a consideration, and faculty should feel free to use their judgment.
7.3. How do I enroll in Internship credit through the Math Department?
Math Department guidelines and instructions for internship enrollment:
Undergraduate students may enroll in internship credit through the Math Department (DATA/MATH 293, 393, or 493) subject to the following guidelines and policies:
- Application of internship credit
For Math or SDS majors, up to 3 units of 493 internship (MATH 493 for Math majors; DATA 493 for SDS majors) may be used toward application course requirements. If a student wishes to complete additional internship credit, the enrollment can apply towards general elective credit.
- Enrollment requirements, procedure, deadlines
- Requirements: Internships with significant mathematical (MATH) or statistical (DATA) content as determined by one of our designated internship coordinators may be considered for credit under the appropriate prefix. (For other internships, credit may be earned under the TLS prefix; details are available here.)
- Procedure:
- After filling out the Math Department Internship Work Plan Form (fillable PDF - download here) and having page 4 completed by the internship site supervisor, student submits the Work Plan to math-mathcenter@arizona.edu. If the Internship Learning Outcomes document is not working for you, try this link instead: Math Department internship learning outcome examples.docx
- Math Center staff will route the form to designated internship instructors.
- If approved, Academic Office staff will add the appropriate internship course to the schedule, and then add the student to the course.
- The approval/enrollment process may take up to 2 weeks. Please plan ahead.
- Deadlines: Students needing to be enrolled by the first day of classes for financial aid purposes will need to submit their completed Internship Work Plan at least 2 weeks before the start of term. Important: this form needs to be completed and approved by everyone by the third week of the semester in order to get you enrolled. Please plan ahead!
- Student intern responsibilities
- Students are responsible for securing their own internship offer. Handshake is a recommended resource.
- It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the request for credit has been submitted (with all appropriate signatures), approved, and that they have been enrolled in the correct course/units.
- It is also the responsibility of the student to ensure that the internship instructor receives the final product in consultation with the internship instructor, but no later than the last day of exams for the term.
- For unpaid internships, students should be aware of the U.S. Department of Labor’s seven factor primary beneficiary test related to unpaid internships. The guidelines updated as of January 2018 are available at: https://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs71.htm
- For internships abroad, students should contact the consulate of the host country regarding applicable employment law and visa requirements.
- International students may be required to apply for and receive work authorization approval from International Student Services (ISS) before participating in an internship. More information can be found on the ISS website under F-1 Student Employment or J-1 Academic Training pages at https://global.arizona.edu/iss
- Site/company responsibilities
Paid internships: Employers are expected to follow all relevant federal, state, and local employment laws when students are hired as employees for paid internships.
- Additional U of A policies
Students are expected to understand and comply with the university guidelines and policies for internship enrollment at https://registrar.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/internship_policies-guidelines_5-6-19.pdf
7.4. Can I take a graduate (500-level) class?
Students may request to register for 500-level courses if
- they are a Junior (at least 60 units earned) in the Honors College, or a Senior (at least 90 units earned), AND
- they have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
To request enrollment, first fill out the Student Information portion of the Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses form. The form can be downloaded here. You can choose to earn Honors credit (if in the Honors College), undergraduate credit, or graduate credit. Note that graduate credit is unlikely to be useful for undergraduate students and will not count as units toward graduation. Speak with your Math Faculty Advisor or Academic Advisor if you are not sure what type of credit to request.
Write in the course(s) to be taken and email the form to the Math Center: math-mathcenter@arizona.edu. The Math Center will consult with your faculty advisor and instructors and contact you via email when we have an answer to your request. If approval is granted, we will help you obtain the necessary signatures. After the form is complete, we will return it to you so you can forward it to the Registrar's office at reghelp@arizona.edu.
Students should expect the process to take up to two weeks, possibly longer at busy times, so please plan ahead.
7.5. How can I get approval for a course overload?
Unit overloads
Students are limited to 19 units per semester. Students wishing to exceed the 19 unit limit may request to do so, but only after priority registration has ended for everyone.
Procedure: If Math or Statistics & Data Science (SDS) is your primary/first (or only) major, contact the Math Center by email from your official U of A email address. We need to know
- How many units you are hoping to take
- Which courses you would be adding to your existing schedule
If we have additional questions about your course load, we will reply to your email. Overload requests will be handled strictly through email, to ensure that we have your plans in writing.
If Math or SDS is not your primary major, you will need to check with the advisor for your primary major for instructions.
Please note that in the College of Science, students must have a strong GPA (at least 3.0) and have demonstrated that they can handle a fairly heavy course load and still earn good grades.
MATH/DATA course overloads
Most math and SDS majors take 1-2 MATH or DATA courses in a given term.
Students planning to enroll in three MATH or DATA courses in a single semester are advised to talk to their faculty advisor before finalizing their schedule.
The Math Department requires that students enrolling in four or more MATH or DATA courses for a single term obtain permission from their faculty advisor. Note that special courses like Supplemental Instruction, Workshops, Teaching Assistantship enrollment, Independent Study, Honors Thesis, and Pedagogy courses for the Secondary Math Education Program are not counted toward this limit. Students who select four or more MATH or DATA courses will be contacted and given some time to consult with their faculty advisors; excess courses will be dropped if permission is not granted.
7.6. When do I register for classes?
Continuing students register for classes during Priority Registration.
New incoming students register for classes after their orientation. Orientation for first-year (freshman) and transfer students will include a one-on-one meeting with an advisor to discuss any incoming credits and which courses to plan for the first-semester schedule. Students who miss their orientation advising appointment must reschedule orientation, delaying their registration.
7.7. 1 unit course options including supplemental instruction (SI)
At times, students may want/need to add to their schedule but a 3 unit course may be too much. There are also some unique courses available for 1 unit that may simply be of interest.
We highlight a few courses below; a more comprehensive list is also available (we try to update this file regularly since offerings change over time).
DATA/MATH 195M - Math and SDS Major Colloquium
MATH 294A - Problem Solving Group Seminar
DATA/MATH 395M - Career Exploration in Mathematics and Data Science (proposed to begin Fall 2024)
HNRS 321 - Ignite Proseminar (for students who plan to begin their honors thesis the following semester)
PFFP 196A - The MONEY Class: Financial Well-Being in College and Beyond
SBS 301A - Foundations of Mindfulness
SBS 301B - Mindfulness Based Study Tools
SBS 301C - Mindfulness Based Movement (note: A, B, and C may be taken in any order, or each can stand alone)
SBS 311 - Design Your Life
SBS 411 - Design Your Search (for students engaging in a job or internship search)
Supplemental Instruction:
The Math Department offers 1 unit Supplemental Instruction (SI) courses to pair with the calculus sequence courses, MATH 196L, 196M, 196N, and 196V. We also offer MATH 396L, the Wildcat Proofs Workshop to pair with MATH 323 (Formal Mathematical Reasoning and Writing). Some students are required to take MATH 396L, depending on their grade in MATH 313; it is encouraged for all students to provide additional practice with proofs and mathematical reasoning.
7.8. Can I drop a class?
It depends. There are deadlines that are enforced from dropping classes, and students may need to maintain a certain number of units for various reasons (scholarships, visa compliance, etc.) so may need to add new course if one is dropped - when possible.
Before the class has started, yes, students may drop a class from their schedule.
Once the class begins, there is a period in which students may drop the class. It will still show up in UAccess records, but not on the transcript (no grade is awarded). The deadline to drop without a grade depends on the session in which the course is offered; for full-semester classes, it is about 2 weeks into the semester.
Students who drop after the deadline to drop without a grade are awarded a grade of W (for "withdraw"). The W grade does not affect the student's GPA, but will appear on the transcript. Withdrawal is done in UAccess, and again, there is a deadline by which this must be done.
After the W deadline passes, there is a short period in which students may petition their college for a late withdrawal from a class.
For all of the above deadlines in a specific term, see the university Dates & Deadlines page. The Resource Guide linked near the top of the page provides explanation of how to filter and find the dates for the correct session.
7.9. How do I drop all of my classes for a semester?
There is an online process to withdraw from all classes for a given semester. Please read the important information at https://registrar.arizona.edu/records-enrollment/enrollment/leave-absences/complete-withdrawal-term before submitting your withdrawal request.
7.10. Ordering the University of Arizona transcripts
Details for any student (current or former) needing an official or unofficial transcript may be found on the Registrar's website.
If you still have questions or need assistance, you can call (520) 621-3113, or email to reghelp@arizona.edu.
7.11. Evaluation of non-math transfer work
There are two parts to the processing of transfer credit: 1. awarding of credit (or not) and 2. evaluation for equivalency to a specific U of A course. Many courses from other institutions have already been evaluated for credit and equivalency; check the Transfer Credit Guide to look up your course(s). Steps:
- Begin by finding your transfer college/university using the search or alphabetical listing.
- From there, look up the course prefix/number combination.
- If you see a specific U of A course listed in the column on the right, you can count on the course transferring as that U of A course (provided you earn a C or better in it). If the course is not listed, it will need evaluation - see below. Ask your advisor if you need help interpreting what you see in the table.
Evaluation of a transfer course:
Instructions for evaluation of a transfer course are provided on the Transfer Credit Website. Note that evaluation of a Math course has a separate form/process (scroll down on the page above to access or see below).
There are a few special cases:
General Education: your Academic Advisor for your primary major can either evaluate your general education coursework or give you instructions for having it evaluated. If your primary (or only) major is Mathematics or Statistics & Data Science, contact the Math Center to request a gen ed evaluation: math- mathcenter@arizona.edu. Please send your message from your official U of A email address and include your student ID number.
Math: read the information at https://www.math.arizona.edu/academics/undergraduate/transfers and follow the instructions. This link is also available through your Next Steps Center if you are an incoming student.
All students must include a link or attach information to the catalog description and a detailed syllabus. The syllabus must list the topics covered each week, the textbook(s) used and the number of contact hours each week. Please submit your information well in advance to allow adequate time for review. We cannot review courses that do not include a detailed syllabus and lab information (if applicable).
If you do not have the syllabus for the course, you should email the department that runs to course to request one. This is a very common request!
7.12. Have questions not answered here?
The Math Academic Office assists students from across campus with issues
related to math enrollment, placement, transfer credit, etc. For more
extensive information about these issues, see their knowledge base.
8. Accelerated Master's Programs
8.1. Accelerated MS in Statistics & Data Science
Students pursuing a statistics & data science major or a mathematics major with either the Probability & Statistics or General/Applied emphasis may be interested in applying for the Accelerated Master's Program (AMP) in Statistics & Data Science.
Students who are accepted into the AMP will begin taking 500-level courses required in the Statistics & Data Science M.S. degree during their final year of the undergraduate degree; these courses may also be applied to the undergraduate math or SDS major requirements. After completion of the undergraduate degree requirements, one additional year of graduate work is needed to finish the Master's degree.
The Accelerated Master's Program requirements and admissions criteria are set by the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program (GIDP) in Statistics & Data Science. Click the link above for more information about requirements, eligibility, and to submit questions to the Statistics & Data Science GIDP program coordinator.
8.2. NEW: Accelerated MS in Applied Math
The Department of Mathematics and the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program (GIDP) in Applied Mathematics offer an Applied Mathematics accelerated BS/MS program for undergraduate students interested in obtaining a Master's Degree in Applied Mathematics as well as a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics. The Applied Mathematics Graduate Interdisciplinary Program offers wide-ranging interdisciplinary training and opportunities for rewarding careers with an MS degree. Students earning the Applied Mathematics MS degree are also well prepared for considering to continue to a PhD in Applied Mathematics.
The undergraduate mathematics major has several emphases, and students interested in this accelerated program should choose the applied emphasis. The Applied Mathematics MS degree consists of 30 units of coursework, 12 of which students in the accelerated program will complete by the end of their senior year. To prepare for the coursework, students should take MATH 422 or MATH 425, ideally in their junior year.
The core courses of the Applied Mathematics MS degree are the following three year-long sequences:
- MATH 581a/b: Methods of Applied Mathematics I and II
- MATH 584a/b: Theoretical Foundations of Applied Mathematics I and II
- MATH 589a/b: Algorithms of Applied Mathematics I and II
The final exams in these core courses also serve as qualifying exams for the Applied Mathematics PhD degree. Students thus have the opportunity to fulfill the qualifying exam component of the Applied Math PhD program and consider further pursuing the PhD degree.
Further credit requirements are the following:
- Six units of graduate coursework excluding MATH courses.
- MATH 586a/b
- MATH 599
In the MATH 586 and 599 coursework, student gain exposure to and participate in research projects.
Quick links:
*While 3.3 is the minimum GPA officially required, a more realistic GPA expectation is 3.7.
8.3. When do I apply for the AMP?
Students normally begin the Accelerated Master's Program in Statistics & Data Science in a fall semester; the application deadline for fall admission is May 31.
Completion of a minimum of 75 undergraduate credit hours will be required at the time of application; a minimum of 90 undergraduate credit hours will be required at the time of entry into the AMP.
Also see the admission requirements for the AMP.
8.4. What are the admission requirements for the AMP?
The minimum admission requirements are as follows; since the program is accelerated, meeting the minimum requirements will not guarantee admission. A typical successful applicant will have almost all As in critical mathematical classes.
- While 3.3 is the minimum GPA officially required, a more realistic GPA expectation is 3.7.
- Completion of a minimum of 75 undergraduate credit hours will be required at the time of application; a minimum of 90 undergraduate credit hours will be required at the time of entry into the AMP. If the student's GPA falls below 3.3 at the time they have completed 90 units, the student will not be admitted into the program (as per catalog policy). Courses taken for audit may not be included in the total number of units counted for eligibility or admission.
- Completion of at least 12 earned undergraduate credits in their major at The University of Arizona's main campus. Units still graded Incomplete, units graded Pass/Fail or units taken as audit will not count toward the requirement of the 12 undergraduate units.
- Completion or near completion of general education requirements.
Also see the Admission Requirements and program details at https://www.math.arizona.edu/academics/undergraduate/requirements/amp
8.5. I am applying for the AMP; what is the activation code?
The activation code for the Statistics & Data Science AMP is UAAMP721X01
8.6. If I finish my undergrad degree early, can I use my scholarship to pay for the entire MS?
In most cases, no. In general, undergraduate scholarships may only apply to undergraduate tuition; during the final year of the AMP, students pay graduate tuition. There are a few exceptions, however; check the terms and conditions page for information on your U of A scholarship. If you have questions about whether your particular scholarship may apply toward graduate tuition, you are welcome to ask the Math Center to check this out for you.
For details, see the complete Degree and Tuition Policies for Accelerated Master's Programs. In particular:
- After completion of all baccalaureate requirements, students will be granted graduate status, be charged at the graduate rate, and be eligible for graduate assistantships. The student won't be eligible to graduate nor will they be eligible for assistantships until all baccalaureate requirements are completed. While an undergraduate, students are required to keep their graduate coursework cumulative GPA at 3.0 or higher to be admitted to the master's program.
- Should a student have completed 12 graduate credits, but not yet completed the undergraduate degree, they will be considered graduate for financial aid and tuition purposes with a graduate career in UAccess. They will no longer be eligible for undergraduate scholarships, nor will they be eligible for graduate assistantships.
- At least 12 graduate credits must be taken while in graduate status, after completing all requirements for the bachelor's degree.
Tuition and fees for graduate students may be found on the Bursar's website.
8.7. Can I also earn honors credit for the 500-level classes in my AMP?
Good question! The enrollment form asks for just one type of credit to be selected; however, we asked the Registrar's office and received this answer:
When processing a UGrad enrollment in GRAD courses form for AMP credit, our office will check to see if the student is active in the Honors College. If they are active, we automatically code the enrollment as "UHNR" or as the honors designation. This means that the 500 level course is counted towards both their AMP and Honors credits.
9. Research, Teaching, Internships, and Study Abroad for Undergrads
9.1. Finding Opportunities
There are many opportunities for undergraduates to build skills and experience within the Math Department, the University, and through other external organizations. We maintain information about some of the opportunities we are aware of on our website. These pages also include links to other listings we recommend that you consult.
To help students with the application process for positions of interest, the Math Department has developed a series of Application Workshops that we run late in fall semester each year. Watch the Weekly News messages for details.
DATA/MATH 395M - Career Exploration in Mathematics and Data Science (1 unit, usually offered in fall semesters starting 2023) may also be helpful.
We hope you will explore and get involved!
9.2. Where can I find information on internships?
The Office of Student Engagement & Career Development (SECD) has adopted Handshake as our campus job board. All students should create a profile in Handshake to allow you to connect with employers for jobs and internships, and also to connect with services available through SECD.
For additional information about some of the types of internships that students in our department have participated in, see our website: https://www.math.arizona.edu/academics/undergraduate/opportunities-undergrads/undergraduate-internships
9.3. Is funding available to study or participate in research abroad?
The University of Arizona's Office of Nationally Competitive Scholarships regularly holds information sessions and provides information and assistance with scholarships like Gilman and Boren:
- The Gilman Scholarship is a nationally competitive scholarship that students with economic need can apply for for research or study abroad.
- The Boren Scholarship is a nationally competitive scholarship that any student can apply for to do research or study abroad in countries excluding Canada, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Note that language study and future government service are part of the commitment.
The DIMACS REU has an annual trip to Prague, Czech Republic that a few select students from the REU may be selected to attend. DIMACS is a paid Research Experience for Undergraduates, funded by NSF. Projects typically relate to math and computer science.
The Amgen Scholars program provides funding to participate in research at a US institution. There are many summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) available each year; we maintain a partial listing on our website.
Some countries have scholarships to study or work specifically in their country.
Example: Germany has a DAAD Scholarship for undergraduate students
For more on study abroad, see our website:
10. Activities and Events
10.1. How can I join the MathCats Club?
10.2. How can I join the Risk Runners Club?
The Risk Runners Club
Risk Runners is the undergraduate club for students of all majors who are interested in actuarial careers. It provides opportunities for students to get to know each other, connect to the broader actuarial community, pass actuarial exams, and develop open-source financial programming resources. Upcoming meetings are announced on the club listserv, on the student-run Instagram (@uariskrunners).
If you would like to be added to the Risk Runners listserv, please email math-mathcenter@arizona.edu with your request from your U of A email account or ask one of the current Risk Runners officers. They will be happy to add you!
For current meeting days/times, see https://www.math.arizona.edu/academics/undergraduate/opportunities-undergrads/student-clubs-and-organizations
10.3. Other Math and SDS Major Activities
Check our website for other events and activities that may be of interest, including undergraduate-specific activities like the annual Putnam competition, Problem Solving Seminar, and SUnMaRC as well as seminars and colloquia run by faculty which may be of interest to advanced undergraduates.
11. Careers - under construction
11.1. Actuarial Science - About the field; What will I study?
Actuaries consistently appear at the top of the list when it comes to job satisfaction! They typically work in fields where there is a need to evaluate and manage risk. They determine probabilities of events, and come up with ways to reduce the probability of and/or mitigate impacts of the unwanted events. While actuaries work in many different types of businesses (we even have a Risk Management office at the University of Arizona!), the insurance industry is the field that most comes to mind when people think of actuaries: in insurance, actuaries compute premiums and estimate the costs for claims.
Becoming an Actuary requires completion of a series of actuarial exams. Along the way, designations of Associate and then Fellow are earned, either in the property/casualty side of the field, or in life and health. Additional information about the exams can be found on our Exams page, or see the Be An Actuary site linked below.
Find out more about what this career path entails, and whether it may be a good fit for you at http://www.beanactuary.org/
The BeAnActuary.org site above provides some general course work recommendations; U of A courses that have been found useful include: MATH 122A/B or 125, 129, and 223 (the calculus sequence), MATH 464 and 466 (probability and statistics). MATH 464 should be helpful in preparing for the P exam. The Math Department has also added DATA/MATH 462 (financial math) intended to prepare students for the FM exam; it is typically offered only in spring.
ECON 200, 332, and 361 have also been reported to be useful (see VEE requirements below). Note that ECON 200 can fulfill a University general education requirement (Tier 2 Individuals & Societies for students in the "Tiers" program, or Exploring Perspectives: Social Scientist for students in the newer GE program). To enroll in ECON 332 or 361, students usually need to declare a major or minor in Economics and have already completed ECON 200.
11.2. Actuarial Science - Exams, Internships, and Planning
Exams, Internships, & Planning
Students usually need to have completed two exams and an internship to land a job after graduation; completion of one exam is usually necessary to land the internship. Be sure to let your advisor know you are interested in this career path whenever you plan courses together.
The first two exams are P (Probability) and FM (Financial Math); it is usually easier for our students to take course work in preparation for the FM exam first:
Mathematics Major
Statistics & Data Science Major
Freshman Year:
122A/B or 125 |
129, programming |
122A/B or 125, Python programming |
129, 201, ISTA 322 |
Sophomore Year:
223, 313 |
323, 462 |
223, 313 |
363, 462 |
Take FM exam after completion of MATH 462.
Apply for Summer Internships early in Fall semester of Junior year.
Junior Year:
355, 464 |
466 |
375, 464 |
474, 466 |
Summer Internship. Take P exam after completion of MATH 464.
Apply for jobs in Fall semester of Senior year.
Senior Year:
4XX (depends on emphasis chosen) |
4XX (depends on emphasis chosen) |
467 |
498A |
11.3. Actuarial Science - VEE: Validation by Educational Experience
VEE: Validation by Educational Experience
As of July 1, 2018, actuaries need VEE credit in three topics: Economics, Accounting & Finance, and Mathematical Statistics. Taking courses as part of your undergraduate career can be a convenient way to complete VEE requirements, but there are other options (including SOA/CAS approved online courses). Where U of A's VEE coverage is incomplete or expiring, YOU can help by submitting syllabi for appropriate courses! See below for details.
VEE Topic |
Relevant U of A Coursework |
Dates Approved |
Economics (requires both Micro and Macro) |
ECON 332, ECON 361 |
1/1/1980 to 12/31/2025 (need both courses) |
Accounting & Finance |
ACCT 210 or ACCT 250 or ACCT 400C;
FIN360 or FIN 360L or FIN 412
ACCT 210/250/400C approved for accounting component; 250 approval expires 12/31/2025; 210/400C approved 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2027 (take one course);
FIN 360/360L/412 approved for finance component 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2027 (take one course).
Mathematical Statistics |
MATH 466 |
8/15/2000 to 12/31/2025 |
You may see reference to Corporate Finance and Applied Statistics VEE requirements; these are no longer required as of 2018.
Please note that students must meet enrollment requirements in order to take the listed courses. In particular, ECON and FIN courses may require a declared major or minor.
You can access a full list of U of A or other courses that can be used for VEE credit here.
Anyone can submit a course for VEE approval; see https://www.soa.org/education/exam-req/edu-vee.aspx for information.
11.4. Actuarial Science - Exam Preparation
Exam Preparation
The Risk Runners student club (see Student Resources page linked below) plans study sessions where you can prepare for an exam with other students.
Our CAS liaison recommends The Infinite Actuary: https://www.theinfiniteactuary.com/ for exam preparation. Though she's credentialed through CAS, they also have materials for the SOA exams. They even have mobile apps!
Another resource for preparing to take actuarial exams is "Coaching Actuaries": http://www.coachingactuaries.com/ You can view free previews on the site, but there is a fee for the full version. This site is great for practice, but students will typically also want an exam study manual to supplement. The RiskRunners club has connections with the Coaching Actuaries team; we highly recommend getting involved with the RiskRunners if you are interested in CA resources to learn more about discounts and available resources.
11.5. Actuarial Science - Student Resources
Student Resources
We have a wonderful Actuarial Club on campus, the Risk Runners. To join their listserv, send your request to the Math Center: MATH-mcenter@arizona.edu.
LaunchPad is a new resource from the Coaching Actuaries team (see the Exam Preparation section linked below for more on CA); it provides an introduction to the field of actuarial science. For a preview, watch the trailer on Vimeo.
The Casualty Actuary Society maintains a helpful site for students, CAS Student Central; if you are interested in property/casualty actuary jobs, this is a great site for you to join. Not only do they have useful information about course work to take, they also have internship and job listings!
Our former liaison to the CAS (who is also one of our alumni) would try to visit each Spring to give a presentation about the field, exams, etc. She has shared the slides from her most recent visit: U of A_Presentation_2020.pdf Unfortunately, she had to step down from the position, and we are currently without a liaison; if you know someone who might be interested, please connect them with the Math Center!
Some older (but still largely relevant) information about careers in Actuarial Science can be found on the following web pages created by Professor Emeritus Donald Myers: http://www.u.arizona.edu/~donaldm/actuarial/actuarl.html and http://www.u.arizona.edu/~donaldm/homepage/prob_st.html.
12. Graduate School
12.1. Preparing for a Graduate Program in the Mathematical Sciences
If you are interested in eventually pursuing graduate studies in mathematics, applied mathematics, biomathematics, mathematics education, or statistics, it is imperative that you speak with your advisor early in your career as an undergraduate, so that you can plan an appropriate course of study. In most cases, students admitted to graduate study in mathematics receive financial support in the form of a stipend and work as research or teaching assistants, so do not restrict your consideration of graduate studies because of finances. Also, keep in mind that you will need letters of recommendation when you apply.
If graduate studies are a possibility you want to consider, you should look at the offerings and requirements of a variety of graduate programs, and choose those that best suit your interests. Some schools offer more than one program in mathematical sciences; others have a single program with different specialization tracks. For instance, our department offers a Mathematics graduate program with tracks in “pure” mathematics and mathematics education, but is also involved in two interdisciplinary graduate programs, one in Applied Mathematics and one in Statistics & Data Science.
It is typical and often recommended to change schools between undergraduate and graduate studies. You should discuss your options with your faculty advisor (in particular, ask for recommendations as well as contact names), and make sure your studies both in and out of the classroom will prepare you to enter the graduate programs in which you are interested.
The probability & statistics emphasis of the math major is most appropriate preparation for those who will go on to PhD programs in statistics. While the statistics & data science major or the applied emphasis of the math major (with MATH 464 and MATH 466 selected for the sequence) may be sufficient preparation for some master's programs in statistics, they are generally not adequate for those who will continue on to a PhD.
The comprehensive emphasis is the most natural choice for those interested in graduate studies in mathematics. It includes courses in real and complex analysis (MATH 425A, MATH 425B, and MATH 424) and a second course in linear algebra (MATH 413), which are required by many programs. Further recommendations are given below.
We also suggest you check out the American Mathematical Society's pages on Applying to Graduate School. They include information on Choosing a Graduate School Path that Fits You, including advice on choosing an area of math, deciding which programs to apply to, and more.
Graduate studies in mathematics
If you plan to pursue studies in mathematics, you should choose the comprehensive emphasis (for more details, see the list of our undergraduate emphases), and take abstract algebra (MATH 415A and MATH 415B) and if possible topology (MATH 432). Most “pure” mathematics graduate programs have core courses and qualifying exams on the topics of analysis, algebra, and geometry/topology. Your first year of graduate school will be easier if you come in with a solid foundation in these topics.
Graduate studies in applied mathematics
If you are interested in a PhD in applied mathematics, it is still recommended that you take the comprehensive emphasis. You may prefer to select the differential equations sequence (MATH 454 and MATH 456) rather than the abstract algebra sequence. You could also choose some of the other mathematics options, but it is important that you take the analysis courses (at least MATH 425A and MATH 424) and a second course in linear algebra (MATH 413).
Graduate studies in biomathematics
If you are interested in biomathematics, it is recommended that you take the comprehensive emphasis, together with a few courses selected from the following list: biology (MCB 181R, MCB 182, MCB 320, MCB 410, MCB 411, MCB 416), biochemistry (BIOC 460 or BIOC 462A and BIOC 462B, BIOC 471A), ecology (ECOL 330, ECOL 426, ECOL 496N) or computer science (CSC 227, CSC 245, CSC 345). An alternative is to complete the life sciences emphasis, but include analysis (at least MATH 425A and MATH 424), as well as linear algebra (MATH 413).
Graduate studies in mathematics education
If you are interested in mathematics education, be aware that graduate programs in mathematics education are typically offered either by colleges of education or by mathematics departments, and as a consequence admission requirements differ.
If the Ph.D. mathematics education program you are interested in is housed in a college of education, faculty will look more favorably on candidates with K–12 teaching experience. A typical path is to become a licensed K–12 mathematics teacher (with a bachelors degree in mathematics), teach for a few years (and perhaps, although not necessarily, work on a Master's degree in mathematics or in education), and then go back to graduate school full-time. In this instance, you would need to follow the mathematics education emphasis and have the desire to teach in a K–12 classroom. Although it is not always absolutely essential to have K–12 experience to be admitted to a college of education program, it would put you at a decided disadvantage not to have had some K–12 experience.
In cases where the Ph.D. program is housed in a mathematics department, K–12 teaching experience will very likely not be critical. In determining admission, the department will typically look for the strength of your mathematical preparation, grades, GRE scores, etc. As an undergraduate, you should take the comprehensive emphasis and pursue as much mathematics as possible. You should also couple this with whatever teaching experiences are available — assisting an instructor in some way (for instance through our Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship (UTA) Program or the University Teaching Teams Program), peer-tutoring (see our tutoring page for tutoring services on campus — most of the links listed there also give information on how to apply for tutor positions), working in a local area school (see our Center for Retention and Recruitment of Mathematics Teachers for one such opportunity), working part-time for an education program (K–12 or university level) — anything that would give you experience teaching and/or helping others learn mathematics. An undergraduate research experience related to mathematics education would also be advantageous.
Finally, it is important to note that without at least three years of full-time K–12 teaching experience, it will likely be quite difficult for you, once you finish your Ph.D., to be hired in a college of education. In mathematics departments, this will likely not be a concern.
Graduate studies in statistics
If you are interested in a PhD statistics, it is recommended you take the probability and statistics emphasis, but include linear algebra (MATH 413) and some computer science courses (such as CSC 252, CSC 352). Knowledge of real analysis of several variables (MATH 425B) is also important. MS degrees may not expect students to have as much theoretical background; check with specific programs to determine their expectations.
General expectations that you should keep in mind
Graduate schools increasingly expect applicants to have gone beyond the standard undergraduate curriculum. In particular, you will often be in competition with students who have some sort of research experience and, if you apply to very prestigious schools, with students who have already taken some graduate-level courses. You should discuss the possibility of getting involved in an undergraduate research project (our Undergraduate Research Assistant (URA) Program, the University's Undergraduate Biology Research Program, and the Arizona Space Grant are a few options) or an internship with your advisor. Writing an honors thesis in mathematics as a part of the Honors Program is an additional option. These experiences also provide excellent opportunities for faculty to get to know you well. This is very helpful when you apply to graduate programs since you will need letters of recommendation.
Many graduate programs also require applicants to take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Please see our GRE page for more information and links.
A note on MATH 355 and MATH 254 : MATH 355 is the differential equations course that all mathematics majors are expected to take. This course emphasizes the ideas of dynamical systems and makes use of a more sophisticated approach to differential equations. MATH 254 is a differential equations course that is aimed at engineering and science majors. It can be substituted for MATH 355 in the case of those pursuing two or more majors (with faculty advisor approval), but for those interested in pursuing graduate studies in mathematics, it is not appropriate.
12.2. Letters of Recommendation
Some suggestions on obtaining letters of recommendation:
You should first of all understand that you will need letters of recommendation from faculty. Make a point of talking to faculty, attending office hours with questions. If an instructor is to support your application, then the instructor needs to be able to say something other than you earned an A or B in the course. It is not a good idea to ask an instructor for a letter of recommendation if you did not earn an A or B in the course. It is also not a good idea to ask an Academic Advisor or a UTA for a letter of recommendation.
Give the professor at least two weeks to write a letter of recommendation.
Provide the letter-writer a copy of your resume. You will find sample resumes linked below for you to use to create your own resume. Career Services also has lots of resume resources.
Resume Template 1.docx
Resume Template 2.docx
Minimize the amount of work that a letter writer has to do. If a paper copy is required, then provide the addressed envelopes to the letter writer.
If the letters are to go out in email, then send the email addresses electronically to your letter writer in such a way that he/she can easily cut and paste the email addresses into a message.
Follow-up with the letter writer. A quick thank-you and update on whether you were offered the job, accepted into the graduate program, etc. is always appreciated. Remember, you may find yourself asking this person for additional letters in future, so it's not a bad idea to stay in touch.
12.3. Graduate Programs in the Mathematical Sciences
The links below point to pages describing various graduate programs in the country, and where applicable, their admission requirements. This list is by no means comprehensive, and is just intended to inform you of the wide variety of graduate programs available with an undergraduate degree in Mathematics.
For more general information, the American Mathematical Society publishes every year a large (~25 MB) guide to Assistantships and Graduate Fellowships in the Mathematical Sciences, which summarizes “Current Employment Trends in the Mathematical Sciences”, and gives sources of support for graduate students, as well as a description of graduate programs in the mathematical sciences in North America.
Some universities have separate programs in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Biomathematics, Biostatistics, Computational Biology, Mathematics Education, Statistics and Finance. Others have a single graduate program comprising various tracks, but different undergraduate backgrounds are often recommended for different tracks. It is suggested that you familiarize yourself with the various requirements of the graduate programs in which you might be interested, and choose your undergraduate courses accordingly, in consultation with your faculty advisor. Also see our information about preparing for graduate programs in the mathematical sciences.
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
- Boston University
- Brown University
- California Institute of Technology
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Columbia University
- Cornell University
- Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences
- Duke University
- Georgia Tech
- Harvard University
- Illinois Institute of Technology
- Indiana University, Bloomington
- Johns Hopkins University
- Massachussetts Institute of Technology
- Michigan State University
- Northwestern University
- Notre Dame ESTEEM program
- Ohio State University
- Penn State
- Princeton University
- Purdue University
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Rice University
- Rutgers University
- Stanford University
- State University of New York, Stony Brook
- University of Arizona
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of California, Los Angeles
- University of California, San Diego
- University of California, Santa Cruz
- University of Central Florida
- University of Chicago
- University of Colorado, Boulder
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- University of Iowa
- University of Maryland College Park
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- University of Minnesota
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- University of Notre Dame
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Texas, Austin
- University of Utah
- University of Virginia
- University of Washington
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Washington University in St. Louis
- Yale University
Biomathematics, Biostatistics, and Computational Biology
For statistics, see also the section on Statistics.
Mathematics Education
For biostatistics, see also the section on Biomathematics, Biostatistics, and Computational Biology.
Actuarial Science
12.4. GRE information
Many graduate programs require students to submit scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). The GRE is administered by the same organization that runs the SAT, AP, TOEFL and many other exams. There are two types of GRE tests: a "General" test and a "Subject" test.
General Test
Basic information
The General test consists of three sections: Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning. The test is currently offered in a computer-based format on the U of A campus and appointments are typically available several days each week. For more information on fees, ID requirements, etc. or to schedule an appointment to take the GRE General test, please see the Testing Office website.
Preparing for the test
The Math Center Undergraduate Library in Math 220 has a few GRE prep books donated by past students; to check one out, please enter the appropriate information in the log in rm 220.
GRE test-preparation courses are available through the Graduate College or through The Think Tank; however, it is recommended that you try a practice exam before registering for one of these courses, since some students score very well on the GRE General test and do not need to pay for a class. Free practice materials are available: you can download a PDF containing one full-length, paper-based General practice test, or you can download PowerPrep software which includes two computer-based General practice tests (since the computer tests are adaptive, this software is recommended for anyone taking the computer-based GRE, as offered through the U of A Testing Office). To download either format, please see the ETS website. The U of A Testing Office also administers the PowerPrep practice exam; a fee is charged for this service.
Subject Test
Basic information
A GRE Subject test in mathematics is also available, and can help a graduate school applicant stand out amid a group of students with high Quantitative Reasoning scores on the General test. Many graduate programs do not require the GRE Subject test, but be sure to check with schools you are interested in to find out if it is recommended or required. The Subject test in mathematics covers Algebra (elementary algebra, linear algebra, abstract algebra), Calculus (differential, integral, multivariable, applications and connections between calculus and topics like trig, coordinate geometry and differential equations), and other topics (real analysis, topology, discrete mathematics, geometry, complex variables, probability & statistics).
Test format, preparation & registration
The GRE Subject tests are administered on paper only, and are available on a very limited basis - they are typically offered three times per year (in October, November and April). More information about registration for the GRE Subject test is available through the Testing Office website and through ETS. Practice materials for the GRE Subject test in mathematics can be downloaded from ETS.
The Math Center Undergraduate Library in Math 220 has a few GRE prep books donated by past students; to check one out, please enter the appropriate information in the log in rm 220.
13. Winter Break Advising
13.1. Winter closure dates (2024-2025 academic year)
From December 24, 2024 through January 1st, 2025, many offices at the University of Arizona are limited in their activities due to winter break. However, we realize that academic advising issues can arise during this period.
The Math Center will be mostly closed starting Monday, December 23. One advisor may be on duty for part of the day on 12/23 to check some Math Center emails.
For students in majors within the College of Science, please see general information on our College Website.
Math and SDS majors may still send messages to math-mcenter@arizona.edu or math-mathcenter@arizona.edu for major-related issues during the break, but please keep in mind that we probably will not be able to respond until after offices have opened again; some staff will return to the Math Center on Tuesday, January 2 and we will be back to full staff starting January 6.
For general (non-major specific) questions, you may email science@arizona.edu. Include your name, ID number, and major when emailing.
13.2. Winter Session Classes and Schedule Changes
If you choose to take winter session classes, please observe the dates and deadlines posted on the sites below for paying tuition, getting a refund, filing for GRO, and withdrawing from courses:
- Contact the Summer/Winter Office for questions.
- LATE DROPS or SCHEDULE CHANGES after the posted deadline: If you need to make a schedule change (i.e. withdrawal or other change after UAccess is no longer available for these requests):
- Use the Online Change of Schedule Request through the Registrar's office: https://www.registrar.arizona.edu/cos
- Your request will get routed to your professor as well as the College of Science for approval. The Registrar's Office will notify you if your request is approved.
Note: Please avoid waiting until the last day of the course to request a change, as the procedure involves a few steps that take time for processing!
- Approvals for excess units to be taken during the winter session will not be approved. Students are limited to 4 units during the winter session as per University Policy.
13.3. Does my winter course count for my degree program?
- Courses that apply to your degree program will appear in the proper
requirement area in your Academic Advisement Report. Run your Advisement
Report in UAccess Student Center and double check the section in which
your winter course is included.
If the course is not being pulled into the requirement area that you expected,
you must choose another course that is allowed for that requirement,
unless your Academic Advisor has pre-approved an exception prior to the
winter closure. If
you feel that there is an error on your advisement report, please follow
up with your major advisor.
13.4. Financial Aid and Satisfactory Academic Progress
NOTE: SAP appeals must be completed with an academic advisor, and there will be plenty of time to do this in person once the campus resumes its normal activities.
1. You should start the SAP appeal form now, by reading through the information here (https://financialaid.arizona.edu/policies/sap).
2. Start writing your personal statement and collecting appropriate documentation. This will facilitate the meeting with your Academic Advisor in January.
3. Make an appointment with your academic advisor. If Math or SDS is your primary (or only) major, you may set up an appointment here: https://ua-trellis.force.com/uastudent/s/catcloud/services/calendar/?GroupId=a0g2S00001ECNWA
13.5. I didn’t do well last semester and am worried about my academic status.
If your Grade Point Average (GPA) is below a 2.0 after fall grades post, please watch your U of A email early in January for messaging about your next steps. If you have been placed on Academic Warning or Academic Probation, the College and/or your Academic Advisor will reach out to you to develop a plan for improvement. Please don’t panic.
If you have been rendered Ineligible to continue based on previous academic probation and a fall 2024 GPA <2.0, you may appeal if you experienced extraordinary circumstances or some hardship. Details of the process including a link to the form can be found here: https://registrar.arizona.edu/academic-eligibility
The priority deadline for appeal submissions is January 13, 2025. Please make sure you submit your appeal by the priority deadline.
Spring 2025 schedule changes: If you wish to alter your spring class schedule in the meantime (to repeat a course, or reduce your work load, etc.), please go ahead and do this via UAccess. Plan to discuss these modifications with your advisor when they return in the new year. Please know that there will still be enough time before the spring term begins to make additional schedule changes if needed and to discuss them with your academic advisor.
13.6. A course I need for Spring is full.
Full or closed classes
- If a course you want or need for Spring semester is full, the first step is to check if it has a wait list. Search for the class you are trying to add and check the status. If it lists waitlist as the status, you will need to add yourself to the waitlist. See step 6 in this class enrollment field guide for details about adding yourself to a wait list in UAccess: https://arizona.app.box.com/s/fwuo6w4zcu9b6at7bepk41wdpi6oluyf
- For Math/Data Classes, we do not maintain official wait lists. However, the Math Center does try to help our majors who are in need of seats in these courses, so please email us at math-mathcenter@arizona.edu and we can try to help. You should still continue to monitor the class in case a seat opens and you can enroll.
- If the course does not have a wait list, add it to your shopping cart so you can check on it easily. Check on a regular basis in case seats open up. Over the break, students make many changes to their schedules and seats may free up during this time. If the course has pre-requisites, seats will open up after students who failed to complete the pre-requisite are dropped.
- You may try contacting the department that offers the class to see about possible enrollment, in case their administrators are responding over the winter break.
- In some cases, you might be able to talk to the professor on or before the first day of class to ask if there is room for you to join the class, but this is not always the case. Check with the offering department to see how enrollment requests are managed.
- We do NOT recommend attending class on the first day if you are not officially enrolled, since the classroom may not have sufficient physical space/seats to accommodate extra students.
- If the class you want can be replaced with another class that is open (ie. a different general education class) please add your second choice class, but watch for a chance to swap it.
13.7. I need to apply to graduate in Spring or Summer.
The deadline to apply for graduation for Spring 2025 or Summer 2025 (STEP 1 below) is February 1.
STEP 1: File for degree candidacy in UAccess. Details for completing this process are here: https://registrar.arizona.edu/support-services/graduation-services/degree-candidacy
STEP 2: In order to complete the second step (filling out the degree audit worksheet), you must talk with your math faculty advisor.
- If math/SDS is your primary or only major in a degree, then request your Degree Audit Worksheet (DAW) from Nellie via email to the Math Center at math-mathcenter@arizona.edu .
- If another major is listed first, before your math/SDS major, then contact the advisor for that major to start the process.
- Nellie will help you through the process and can answer any questions regarding the next steps to ensure your degree will be awarded.
- Your math/SDS faculty advisor approves just your math/SDS major.
While STEP 2 does not have a formal deadline, you should take care of this while you can still make spring schedule changes in case your current schedule does not meet degree requirements. Your degree will not be awarded without an approved DAW form received by Graduation Services.
13.8. Readmission
If you applied for readmission for the Spring 2025 term but left the University of Arizona under Probation or Ineligible status, you must fill out the College of Science Application for Readmission. If the application was not received in time to be evaluated before the Math Center closed, then it will be reviewed in January.
- You are required to meet with the Academic Advisor for your intended major to discuss your program of study.
- If you are outside of Tucson, you can schedule a Zoom appointment. Appointments for Math or SDS majors are available here: https://ua-trellis.force.com/uastudent/s/catcloud/services/calendar/?GroupId=a0g2S00001ECNWA.
- Please do not go to drop-in hours for readmission appointments. Readmission appointments typically take 20-30 minutes and will not be handled during drop-in hours.