The Department Resource Manual can be found here
Department Resource Manual 2024-25.pdf
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The Department Resource Manual can be found here Department Resource Manual 2024-25.pdf You will need to be logged in to Microsoft365 to view the file.
D2L (Desire 2 Learn) is the university’s selected Learning Management System (LMS). Simply put, D2L is the hub of your class (whether it is an in-person or asynchronous online class). It is a course site that houses announcements, calendars, course documents (syllabus, worksheets, class notes…), but also links out to online homework platforms and other third-party tools that we use in our classes.
The College of Science requires that all courses housed under CoS use D2L, specifically to:
Math Info ( Instructor Home is the instructor’s portal to the Math Department database. From the Math Info Instructor Home, you can:
Gradescope is an online grading tool, useful for grading written work like homework and exams in a very efficient manner. It allows you to create a rubric, easily edit it throughout grading AND apply those changes to already-graded papers.
Gradescope is fully integrated with D2L, with a deeper integration starting May 2023. Read below for user guides, instructions, and help support.
Top Hat is the university’s selected student engagement platform. Known most for its polling abilities for in-class use, Top Hat can also be used for attendance, quizzes/exams, as well as asynchronous responses from students. Top Hat replaces the Turning Point Clickers as the university's student response system.
Top Hat access must be "turned on" for your D2L site. Use the form linked below to request access.
UAccess Instructor Center ( is where instructors can:
When assigning an Incomplete grade:
When changing an Incomplete grade to a letter grade:
UAccess Help: How to assign an Incomplete and Update a student's grade from Incomplete
WebAssign is an online homework platform used in our calculus sequence originally, and now also in other classes such as Math 116 and Math 263. It is built on a solid mathematical platform, which allows for smarter grading as it can easily recognize equivalent expressions.
It is not fully integrated into D2L with seamless transfer of grades and/or roster syncing, however the references below can help for more efficient WebAssign management.
Welcome to the Math Department! Click below to get started as a new department member.
U of A Alert is a service that allows registered users – including University of Arizona students, faculty and staff – to receive emergency alerts on their cell phones or other mobile devices during a campus emergency.
You will remain active in their system for four years, at which time you will need to renew it.
For more information see UAlert's Frequently Asked Questions.
Getting Started in Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams is a communications platform used by the Math Department. Communication is organized into different groups called channels. Within channels, users can share information, get answers, and share files and links. Each user can join the channels that are applicable to them. MATH Dept Team. As a member of the Mathematics Department, you will be added automatically. If there is a delay, you may click this link, and request to join the team. One of the team administrators will approve the request as soon as you are verified as a department member. You can also find MS Teams as part of the Microsoft Suite at (log in with your U of A email address, [netid], and it will take you to the familiar webauth page). DOWNLOAD THE APP - Microsoft Teams is most conveniently accessed via a desktop app or mobile device app. Download the Teams app here LEARN THE BASICS - UAccess EDGE training - MS Teams Essentials
The Math Main Office is in the Math tower, Room 108.
We're open to instructors and staff Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm
Here you can find the following services.
We also provide online services for
Contact us at
Office and teaching supplies are available in Math Room 108, the mail room. Please keep materials for your use only. If you take supplies into your classroom, take them back out with you. Also, do not rely on the classrooms having a selection of usable markers. Come prepared with your own.
We have walk-in office hours and appointments available for one-on-one help with any of our teaching tools.
We can provide assistance with:
For availability, please see the calendar of walk-in hours or request an appointment by posting in the 01 Teaching and Instructor Support channel in our MATH Dept Team.
If you are teaching a coordinated course, please follow the template provided by the course coordinator, as it has already been approved. If you are teaching a non-coordinated course, please refer to the University policy on course syllabi at this link:
As part of the University's Higher Learning Accreditation, the Math department is required to collect a copy of your class syllabus each semester, for each class you are teaching.
Please do not email your syllabus.
Instead, share your document with Course Support using the Syllabus Collection Form
Instructors are required to hold office hours for students. The following should be observed:
Instructions for posting your Office Hours on MathInfo
If a student is unable to see you at the posted times, you should make yourself available to the student by appointment.
Tenured/tenure-track faculty may count one hour spent in our tutoring room toward required office hours.
University Tutoring - Tutoring for most lower-level courses (Math 129 and below) is offered through the Think Tank, a University-supported tutoring center
MATH 129 and above - Upper division tutoring for Math 129 and above is offered through the department.
If you are teaching MATH 129 or a higher undergraduate class this term you must sign up for a tutoring hour. (Instructors of Math 254 and 263 tutor in their own office hours and are not expected to sign up here. GTAs will get a separate email if they are required to tutor.)
How to sign up for tutoring hours:
Current tutoring room schedules are available at:
Scanning and Copying Services
The Academic Services Office (Math 108) provides scanning and photocopy services for research, instruction, and administrative purposes.
Due to the large volume of copying and scanning requests, please submit all requests at least 24 hours in advance. (For emergency exceptions, please call 520-621-2682 or come to room 108.)
In general, all course materials should be posted in D2L, rather than being photocopied. If you regularly use handouts in your class and want students to have paper copies, please submit a class notes packet to FastCopy at the beginning of the semester.
Copies from an electronic doc - To request copies from the Math department, complete the Copy Request Form The copies will be placed in your mailbox, and we will e-mail you.
Copies from a paper doc - If the original is on paper, complete a pink paper "Work Request Form" (available in the Academic Services Office, Math 108). The copies will be placed in your mailbox.
Other Copiers - It is always best to have documents printed in Math 108. However, sometimes you just need a single copy to edit, or to take to a meeting. For very small jobs, there are printers available in Math 401N and ENR2 3rd floor lobby. These printers have quotas though, so beware--a two-sided document counts as 2 copies! For more details, see this article about the Math 401N/ENR2 printers.
Gradescope Scanning - There are two Gradescope scanners in Math 108. Please scan your documents yourself and complete the Gradescope scan log. The office staff will share that file with you electronically and email you.
Other scanning - Complete a pink paper "Work Request Form" (available in the Academic Services Office, Math 108). The scanned document will be e-mailed to you, and the original placed in your mailbox.
Repair/maintenance requests can be reporting using the following channels.
Math Controlled spaces (Math Building, MTL, ENR2)
All other University spaces
For reference, the University assigns numbers to its buildings throughout campus. Our buildings and numbers are as follows:
The Math Department has a variety of rooms available for classes, seminars, or meetings. Please see this spreadsheet for a list of rooms and facilities. To reserve a Math room for your event, use the Room Reservation Request Form
We use Centrally Scheduled Classrooms for many of our Math courses, and for Common Final Exams.
You can find a current seating layout for most centrally scheduled classrooms at
We encourage you to try out the equipment in a room prior to teaching there. Email to make an appointment.
To reserve a centrally scheduled room, or a Math room, please use the Room Request Form.
Other resources to view buildings and rooms
the University of Arizona Map:
Room Finder:
Please register your bike with U of A Parking & Transportation. We cannot stress enough the importance of this. They can help return your bike if it is ever stolen, on OR off campus!
By University Parking & Transportation's rules, "Bicycles shall not be parked or stored in any University building (e.g. offices, residence halls, classrooms, or parking structures without a bicycle storage facility)." It causes fire and safety hazards to have them stashed in your office or in our narrow hallways, potentially blocking doors and a clear exit from the building if necessary.
There are plenty of bike parking fixtures across campus. If you have a high-end bike, are worried about the security of your bike, or you forgot your bike lock one day, you have some options:
For more information regarding Bike Rules and Guidelines, please read the Bicycle Parking & Traffic Regulations guide.
In Summer 2018 the ENR2 conference room S375 was converted to a Zoom Room, with the capability of having a video conference with members participating remotely. To reserve the room, please use the Rooms Request Form. The room is equipped with a large monitor hanging on the wall, a wide-angle camera below the monitor to capture all participants in the room, a microphone, and a central console for use with Zoom, as well as a speaker conference phone for a group conference call (not used with Zoom)..
The most obvious change is that there is now an iPad on the table in S375. This iPad serves as the main console for the meeting in Zoom. This is where you enter your meeting ID, and can manage the participants or send invites.
Next to the iPad is a sheet of instructions. Zoom is simple to use, and simple to connect a computer for presentation.
There is a microphone in the center of the table. It can pick up everyone in the room. It can also pick up computer audio which leads to mega-feedback if the meeting audio is also played through your computer without earbuds! (The same can be true if you have the meeting pulled up on a mobile device in that room.) The microphone is sensitive!
If you have any questions or concerns, please email
If you would like to walk through the steps of connecting via Zoom
before your meeting, please schedule a time with Cheryl Ekstrom,
Useful Forms and Links for Instructors
Instructor Permission Form (NOT FOR STUDENTS)
All drop/add activity should be done by the student in UAccess through the first day of classes.
After the first day of classes, you can choose to add a student by completing the form above. We will require the student's permission as well, so if you have email correspondence that shows the student's desire to add your class, please forward that to when you complete the above form.
The Academic Office will check student prerequisites.
Undergrad Special Registration Form (only for 391, 491, 196A)
Important Registration Deadlines and Holidays
Regular semester courses (January 15 - May 7, 2025)
Dynamically dated courses (such as Math 122A/B, 120R, 196L)
7-Week courses, including AZ Online
see below for Fall 2024
These are shown using Microsoft calendar (with instructions to add this calendar to your own Microsoft account at the bottom of the page). There is also a downloadable PDF for each.
Please note that some of the religious holidays start at sundown on the day before it is listed in the calendar, so if you have a late afternoon class, this may affect some students.
If you see any errors, please send an email to
** If you cannot see these calendars below, try using Google Chrome **
Semester On A Page Spring 25 - Regular [PDF]
View the Outlook Calendar HERE
Semester On A Page Spring 25 - Dynamic [PDF]
View the Outlook Calendar HERE
Semester on a Page Spring 25- 7 Week [PDF]
View the Outlook Calendar HERE
Semester on a Page Fall 24 - [PDF]
Log in to your math account at Click on the calendar icon to view your Outlook calendar. It is near the top left.
Please click here to view the Department Meetings Calendar.
Note the upper right-hand corner which allows you to view this per week or month.
(This feature not yet available.)
This page houses the link to the important calendars at the U of A: Specifically: More information for Summer and Winter courses may be found at
Life Work Connections - physical health, mental health, childcare, elder care
Free WiFi Hotspots - around U of A and the State of Arizona
Covid19 related information for instructors
Secrets of the U of A - We have gathered some valuable (though perhaps not well-known) resources on campus, most are available to all university personnel. See the list below (as presented in the November 2019 Tools You Can Use series):
Please see the University's Covid19 pages for up-to-date information.
For U of A employees - ;
For U of A students -
Positive Case Protocol for employees and their supervisors
If a Student Tests Positive - including required Instructor actions
Non emergency - Comprehensive list of U of A Student Resources
Student Success Resources:
Disability Resource Center:
Mental and Physical Health Resources:
Covid19 related information for students:
Free WiFi Hotspots around U of A and Arizona:
We are looking for instructors (Calculus I and above) who are
interested in mentoring and developing the teaching skills of an
undergraduate teaching assistant. It is important that the mentors
provide their UTA with a robust (teaching) experience by giving them
many diverse opportunities to work with the course and interact with
students. Mentors should have brief regular meetings with their UTA to
keep the lines of communication open, and allow for the UTA to ask
questions about their experience (we suggest weekly meetings). More
information about the UTA Program for Math Majors can be found at
If you are interested in mentoring a UTA, please fill in the on-line form at this link:
The U of A Office of Instruction and Assessment (OIA) offers workshops and mini-courses for instructional professional development. See the current schedule of workshops and classes at .
The U of A Office of Instruction and Assessment (OIA) offers a 10-unit graduate program consisting of a series of courses that provide foundational information and help develop the competencies necessary to teach effectively in higher education. The courses are known for their enriching collegial atmosphere where learning about learner-centered theories and instructional strategies guide students' development as reflective and effective professional educators. Through an approach focusing on theory into practice post-baccalaureate students, including post-baccalaureate staff and faculty, are prepared to become outstanding teaching professionals. For more information, see:
International students should be enrolled full-time and cannot have an excess of online courses or they will jeopardize their immigration status. Hybrid courses are counted as in-person units.
Student behavior is guided by two major policies at the University of Arizona: The Code of Academic Integrity and the Student Code of Conduct. Potential violations of either of these codes must be taken seriously and procedure must be followed. See the following links for more information on the codes, and the procedures for each.
Integrity and ethical behavior are expected of every student in all academic work. This Academic Integrity principle stands for honesty in all class work, and ethical conduct in all labs and clinical assignments.
The aim of education is the intellectual, personal, social, and ethical development of the individual. The educational process is ideally conducted in an environment that encourages reasoned discourse, intellectual honesty, openness to constructive change, and respect for the rights of all individuals. Self -discipline and a respect for the rights of others in the university community are necessary for the fulfillment of such goals. The Student Code of Conduct is designed to promote this environment at each of the state universities.
Information for Instructors
Students are responsible to inform themselves of University policies regarding the Code of Academic Integrity.
Students found to be in violation of the Code are subject to penalties
ranging from a loss of credit for work involved to a grade of E in the
course, and possibly risk suspension or probation.
Suppose you suspect a violation to the code of academic integrity. The short-short version of the procedure is:
The following links have been created to assist instructors who suspect a violation of the Code.
Information for Instructors
Students are responsible to inform themselves of University policies regarding the Code of Conduct. The following links have been created to assist instructors who suspect a violation of the Code.
(Page under construction) Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society
ACTA Applicandae Mathematicae
Aequationes Mathematicae
American Journal of Mathematics
American Mathematical Monthly
American Mathematical Society Proceedings
American Mathematical Society Translations
Amstat News
Analele Stiintifice
Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinesis De Rolando Eotvos Nominatae
Annals of Mathematics
Applicable Analysis
Applications of Mathematics in Mechanics
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
Archives of Virology
Association for Women in Mathematics
Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
Bulletin of the American Mathematical
Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica
Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
Canadian Journal of Mathematics
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis
Communications on pure and applied Mathematics
Current Mathematical Publications
Duke Mathematical Journal
European Journal of Applied Mathematics
Extracta Mathematicae
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal
Hokkaido Mathemtical Journal
Houston Journal of Mathematics
IHP Annales Institut Henri Poincare
Illinois Journal of Mathematics
Jahresberiche der deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Journal of Commutative Algebra
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
Journal of differential Equations
Journal of Differential Geometry
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
Journal of Geometry and
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications
Journal of Mathematical Physics
Journal of the American Statistical Association
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
Kobe Journal of Mathematics
L'Enseignement Mathematique
Logic in Computer Science
Mathematics Magazine
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Michigan Mathematical Journal
Monatshefte Fur Mathematik
Natural Resource Modeling
New Zealand Journal of Mathematics
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde
Operators and Matrices
Pacific Journal of Mathematics
Physica D
Physics Letters A
Proceedings of the Japan Academy
Publicacions Matematiques
Publications de L'institut Mathematique
Publications Mathematiques
Radovi Matematicki
Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics
SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Siam Journal on Computing
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Siam Journal on Mathematical Analysis
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
SIAM Journal on Optimization
SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing
SIAM Review
SIAM Theory of Probability and it's applications
Soviet Mathematics
Statistical Science
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics
The American Journal of Mathematics
The American Mathematical Monthly MAA
The American Mathematical Society Notices
The American Mathematical Society: Transactions
The American Statistician
The Analysis of Probability
The Annals of Applied Probability
The Annals of Mathematical Statistics
The Annals of Probability
The Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly
The College Mathematics Journal
The Journal of Mathematical Physics
The Mathematica Journal
The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Utilitas Mathematica
To view a list of your advisees:
If there is additional information you would like to have, please notify the Math Center Staff (link sends email).
Your view is linked to our database, which is updated at least once a week during fall and spring semesters, as students add and drop majors.
Please take a few minutes to complete our online form to help us better match advisees to you.
The Math Center has compiled resources for faculty advisors at this website:
Log in with your Math Department Google account.
We have a Google group for Math Department faculty advisors to enable us
to send messages and also maintain them in an archive. Members may
view the group and archived messages at